Chapter 6ixtyOne

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Aubrey's POV

"Mai, you didn't have to buy all this shit." I told her, as I carried the last bag of groceries up the stairs.

"What kind of mother would I be if I let my son come to an empty house, eh?" She quipped, unlocking the door.

I chuckled lightheartedly, before bending to kiss her forehead. She was only 5'2".

As soon as it was pushed open, a wave of nostalgia hit me with a force. It smelled just as it did in my memories. Grandma. Dad. Mom. Even Noah(40). I missed them, and it wasn't until I came home that I realized this. Taking a deep breath, I entered the house.

"What do you think? About the new decor?" She inquired, smiling at the new couch set that she bought.

"Not bad mom." I complimented, resting the groceries on the kitchen counter.

I appreciated the change, I couldn't have dealt with the house being exactly as I left it. The memories would have been too vivid, the wound would've been reopened.

"After grandma kicked the bucket, I thought it was time for some change." My mother said, as she smiled sadly at the memory of my sweet grandmother.

I nodded, acknowledging her words, but not sure how to accept them. Looking around the room, I noticed many changes, like the arrangement of the pictures, the new furniture, the installment of the massive bookshelf, but something was missing. Then it hit me, the large gray couch was gone. Breath turning shallow and short, I looked around for a few more seconds before turning to my mother, frantic.

"It's upstairs in her room." She confirmed, as if sensing my fears. She knew that the old piece of furniture meant the world to my grandma. It was her her favorite thing in the world to sit in.

I smiled as I recalled us spending countless hours there, talking or singing, free styling with her. She was always supportive of my dreams, kissing me more than necessary and giving me words of advice in anything that I set out to do.

She was the happiest family member when I got the role in Degrassi as 'Jimmy'. She called me "Jimmy" for an entire year.

"Jimmy Brooks, put a smile on that sour face, eh? It's your birthday." She teases.

"I don't like the fact that you have to live here. You're not that old. Come back. Stay with us." I tell her, sure that she'll agree. Living in an infirmary was not what she wanted.

"Aubrey, I love you, and I'm happy that you want me to be at home, but with both you and Sandi being gone all day. Who is going to be there with me? and let's face it, I'm not as youthful as I once was." She says, breaking the remainder of my heart.

I roll my eyes, not able to contest her. She makes valid points. It is selfish of me to want her home, when I'm barely there myself.

"I understand " I say, upset. "Just know grandma, anything you want or need, I'll get it for you. I will always come through for you. Is there anything that you want?" I tell her, meaning every single word.

"How bout a hug and a kiss?" She asks, and my heart melts as she stand to hug me.

"Hey," my mother said, clearly seeing the emotion behind my eyes.

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