Chapter 6ixtyNine

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Days had passed since I'd seen Chris. I no longer felt attached to him.

He was blocked on every form of social media I possessed. He could no longer visit my house or school, or even the street where I resided.

Despite how harsh it seemed, I couldn't deny that he deserved it. I couldn't forget how afraid I was during our encounter. The fear I felt, was almost surreal. After that, I never walked alone, I barely spent time by myself in public. Being alone in public wasn't a priority anymore.

I was skittish, frantic and uptight, afraid that Chris could be lurking. In actuality, I was not scared of Chris, I knew he wouldn't have hurt me physically, but it was the fear of confrontation that tore me apart. The aching dread of seeing him somewhere, and not being able to get away in time consumed my mind.

Hurrying to class one day, I heard someone call  my name, and I literally almost sprinted to class because I was just that scared. It turned out, it was just a guy named Steven returning my pen, but it was still very unnerving.

The only piece of mind that I possessed was in the small letter that I held in my hand, addressed to me, from the one and only, Liam King.

I made myself comfortable, and ripped the envelope open. I was the happiest girl alive in that moment and nothing could take that away from me. I thought

I love you.

The first sentence of the letter, the very first thing I read. My heart worked twice as fast, pumping the blood, quicker than ever before. It was as if I was hearing him say the words, rather than reading them off the page.

The selfish part of me wishes you were here, holding my hand through everything; helping me keep sane. The logical part of me however, knows that you, being here wouldn't have helped in anyway other than keep me happy, or provide incentive for Roy. I'm completely torn.

It took me quite a while to decide whether I should write this letter or not, but in the end I decided it was best to have some closure between us.

Closure? Closure why? What was he talking about?

Things aren't going as smoothly as we would like it, and a great deal of the evidence against Roy was either destroyed, or irrelevant to the case. People believe that some of the videos, and documents were doctored, creating an even bigger problem. Roy is too strong.

Individuals on the jury insist that Roy is innocent, probably because he paid them off to side with him. Either way, it looks as if Roy is going to prevail.

I'd hate to know that I came back to Canada after leaving you, in vain. Jonah and I have dedicated a portion of our lives toward imprisoning Roy, for the rest of his natural life, and we don't plan on giving up. It is getting harder, yes, but the drive that we both possess is admirable.

The point of me writing this out to you is to let you know, that this might still take even longer than a few more months. Years might be needed to ensure that Roy be put away.

Aubrey was beating around the bush, avoiding what I knew he would inevitably say.

There is no easy way to get around to this, and I dread it. Nevertheless, I love you way too much to allow you wait for me. I want to be selfish and keep you, knowing that I've got you, and that you still love me, but it is not the right thing to do. My patience hasn't worn out or dried up, but it has helped me to understand things that I hadn't before. I no longer wish to keep you back in life, I want you to live life to the fullest, not sit around waiting for me to return. Just because my life is stagnant right now, doesn't mean that yours has to be.

Uninvited (A Drake Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora