Chapter FortyTwo

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"Mama, I like this one a lot." He said, his bright eyes focused sharply on the small puppy. He looked so much like his father, except with my eyes.

"Are you sure Auden? We can't replace it." I rubbed my swollen belly as he nodded vigorously.

"I'm positive." He was six, but he'd been doing so well in school that I decided to get him a puppy.

I smiled down at him as I felt the baby kick. "You're sister wants to say hi." I told him, and he pressed his ear against my stomach. I was trying to decide between names 'Auburn','Amari' or 'Sandy' after Aubrey's mother, but for some reason couldn't tell which one I liked most.

Aubrey wrapped his arms around me from the back as I stood with my son. He kissed my neck lightly.... "Amber..."


"Amber...." I woke up, to Aubrey's face next to me in the car.

"Huh?" I asked, the wine really helped me sleep.

"We're home, come on," he said, getting out of the car to open my door.

He opened the door and I stretched my arms out like a toddler when he wanted to be lifted. He didn't hesitate though, he picked me up with ease, wrapping my legs around himself. My dress rode up but I didn't even care.

He began walking back to his apartment with me in his arms.

"We're going to have a baby." I told him.

"Uhuh.." He responded, he was barely listening.

"No. We're going to have lots of sex, and I'm gonna have a boy named Auden. He looks just like you."

Aubrey's POV

What was she talking  about?

"And a little girl, and..." She continued.

"Shh shh. Go to sleep baby, I love you." I whispered while I walked her up the stairs. Soft snores signaled that she was finally asleep.

I entered the house and proceeded to rest Amber on the bed, but Trixee was more than happy to see me, she jumped up on my leg multiple times, excitedly.

I placed my baby on the bed and picked up Trixee, taking her out of the room.

"You're really kinda cute " I told it as I kicked off my uncomfortable shoes.

She tilted her head to the side in confusion.

"Don't get used to it," I warned, and she yawned.

I couldn't help but think of the events leading up to that moment.

When we returned from the bathroom, my parents seemed sincerely sorry for their actions. They didn't fight, they engaged in conversation, they even had a playful banter about paying the bill. I hadn't seen them interact that way since I was six, a few months before the divorce.

The loud shrill of a phone went off disturbing the peace, and I retrieved it from Amber's purse, holding the puppy in the other hand.

The name on he screen chilled my spine. 'Justin'

"Amber you finally answered." Justin's sigh of relief made me mad.

"Hello motherfucker." I responded.

His gasp had me almost laughing.

"Where's Amber?" He asked. Did he really think that I'd let him speak to her?

"She's sleep fam. She had a long day." I responded, putting the phone on speaker so that I could hold a wiggling Trixee.

"Why is she still at your house?"

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