Chapter ThirtyThree

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Aubrey's POV

I had no plan as to how I would take Roy down, but as I stood in the shower on the night of December 27th, I knew it was about fucking time that I do what the fuck I had to. My many attempts to leave the country had failed miserably and it was beginning to become frustrating.

The night I got the cellphone, I realized that I hadn't had time to get a charger which meant that the phone in itself, was useless.

Roy's rules had also become so much worse. It was eat, sleep, write, repeat. He said something about I was in the news for some reason and he couldn't risk me leaving the house unless it was to change locations as we often did.

"Trust Issues" topped the billboard charts in Canada and the USA. Followed by a lot of other songs that I wrote for Roy.

Recently, it had been harder to sleep, or eat. I was consumed with thinking of Amber. I was supposed to be organizing an escape plan, but the only coherent thoughts I could muster, were those that involved Amber. It was most likely the guilt of not being there when I knew her birthday was so soon, or it was the fact that the only sexual satisfaction I received was from my own hand, and imagining her mouth.

I had written countless songs about her that I could never, ever publish.

"I need a girl from the country, I need a shorty from Houston, I need a girl who's gon love me, I need a girl who's gon trust me, someone to fuck me, someone to make me feel lucky.." I sang, as the drops of lukewarm, almost cold water, cascaded down my broad back. "...someone that's so proud to be with me, she'll walk right up to her ex, look him dead in the face and say 'you ain't got the juice like that, You ain't got the juice like that.' That's cold, ice cold, girl you ain't have to do him like that. Why you had to do him like that?"

One of my favorites from my collection of unfinished song lyrics.

Has she even missed me? Did she cry? Did being apart from me make her realize that she doesn't love me? Did she blame herself for it? Knowing her stubborn ass, she probably blamed herself. Oh fuck no! Did she think of this as another reason not to love? Did she add this to her list of reasons why she shouldn't love?

I couldn't have her thinking like that, especially that close to her birthday. She's probably praying that I found a way back and thinking God wasn't coming through. I needed to get back as soon as possible.

I stepped out of the shower, wrapping my towel around my waist. I had lost a reasonable amount of body fat, making my muscles look a lot more defined. I knew Amber would've liked that. She had a thing for tracing my abs with the tip of her index finger. It was a habit that she couldn't shake. I noticed every time we lay next to each other, clothed or not, she couldn't keep her hands off of my torso. I didn't mind it either, I loved the feeling of her fingers tracing patterns on my skin, leaving little electric jolts in their wake.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror of the bathroom. I was beginning to lose all of my gloss. My skin was paling, due to the harsh winter cold and the lack of vitamin D. I didn't like not being able to leave, to drive, or to be on my own. I was never one to be contained and it bothered me how long I put up with Roy believing that he owned me. Writing was my talent that I was graced with and I was allowing this little drug lord/moron to strip me of what was mine.

I had to fucking get out, and today. No more waiting, no more drawing it out. No more failure. I was going to fucking leave today, and it was going to work, because I had motivation. She was my motivation. I looked at my face once more, taking in the features that made me half black and half Jewish. My ancestors had been through far fucking worse and made it through. I was going to make it through.

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