Chapter Twenty6ix

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Roy Woods ⬆️⬆️⬆️

Aubrey's POV

"I didn't want to say this around Amber, but I kind of respect you." Amber's father said as soon as we were sure she was downstairs.

"What?" I was expecting him to hit me, not commend me.

"That's my only child and I want her to be my baby forever but I can't deny the fact that she's growing up."

I nodded, not at all knowing what to say.

"Do you really love her Aubrey?" He asked, I saw in that moment, part of his tough guy exterior crack.

"With everything I have. "

"You know, you remind me of myself. Straight forward and in love. I had a similar talk with the man downstairs for Amber's mom. She was 17, I was 19, got her pregnant and wanted to marry her. I spoke to her dad, but I don't really remember much talking, I got beat up by her father and her two brothers. The little one punched like a mother fucker. I would be a hypocrite to want to keep you and her apart." He smiled at the memory.

"Wait, amber told me her mom had her at 27. Isn't she an only... Never mind." His face was sad, I supposed the baby didn't survive.

"It's alright, just do me a favor, make Amber think that I roughed you up a bit. I want her to respect me. Tell her I punched you in the gut or something. And don't hurt my baby, I got a glock." He said, no joking in his tone.

"I will sir." I agreed.

"I don't want you kissing in my house. Don't have sex either." He said.

I nodded, not trusting my voice.

Amber's POV

"Are you alright?" I rushed to Aubrey's side as soon as he came onto the patio.

"I think so." He said.

"Did he hurt you? What did he say?"

"He just roughed me up, it's nothing." Aubrey said clutching his stomach in pain.

"I'm so sorry.. It's my fault." I cried.

"No, no, don't cry it's my fault. I kissed you first." Aubrey said wrapping his arms around me in a warm embrace.

"I'm gonna get some gum from my car, okay?" Aubrey said.

"I'm coming with you." I said.

"I'm fine baby. Don't worry about me." He said, walking away. I sat next to Maya, who pretended to be sick.

"That zick must be good!" she whispered.

I rolled my eyes.

I didn't argue with her, it would be like talking to a brick wall.

Aubrey spent a long time outside, I spoke to my parents and engaged in majority of conversation and games, but something felt odd. It had been over 20 minutes since Aubrey left to get gum. I couldn't shake my concern for him. I tried smiling and paying attention but I couldn't do anything other than worry about Aubrey.

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