Chapter TwentyNine

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First off, I'd like to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year, as I mentioned earlier it's my first book and I'm trying out this Wattpad thing. I really appreciate everyone reading and leaving little comments, it's a pleasure.

Hope your Christmas was as great as mine! 😍😘

Just want to clear this up, what is in italics is either a flashback or a dream accordingly.

Aubrey's POV

Going to Toronto for the first time in years was calming under the circumstances. I wasn't chained to the floors or any shit like that. Steve sat next to me and spoke about his boyfriend for the majority of three hours. Robyn... I mean Rihanna sat up front, playing with the frills on the end of her pink dress. She looked nice, cute, sane almost. But I knew who she was, and it was far from sane.

When she said Roy owned a small plane I thought it was some old tore up from the floor up plane. I couldn't be more wrong. It was a small private jet, furnished nicely. The insides were white and well polished. It was something to marvel at really.

I didn't change my outfit, Rihanna didn't allow me to get my clothes from my apartment, I used my same outfit from the previous night to get on the plane, which to be honest worked in my favor. There was a mic that Don placed in my pocket, if I changed I might've forgotten it.

"...And he's got these eyes, I could just stare at them all day." Steve said, staring into space.

"Amber has some eyes like that too." I clutched my chest, "they're so honest. She can't hide her emotions from me, I see what she's feeling through her eyes.... Look at me. Talking to my kidnapper about my heart."

Steve motioned for me to move closer. I did as he asked. "Aubrey I have to tell you something."

"Before you do, where exactly are we going?" I asked.

Steve told me where we were headed to, just before the pilot announced our descent.

Seven days living in Roy's basement was something fucking else. I wasn't being beaten up or underfed. Roy was ruthless and wreck less when it came to his shit, but he wasn't uncaring.

He actually had asked me many times to write for him in the past when I moved to Texas. He got hold of my mother, asked her to ask me to write for him, offering a huge sum of money, but I was done. I was done doing things I didn't want to for money. I needed to find myself, figure out who I was. Being that mulatto, ghost writing Jewish kid from Degrassi didn't cut it for me. I needed more than that, I needed my own identity. I told my mother the case and she agreed that I apply to a school on Houston, Rihanna and Don just gave me that extra push I needed to leave the country.

Although living in Roy's house wasn't that bad I missed Amber, more than I'd ever missed another human being. Seven days from that day she admitted that she love me. She explained her feelings to me in a way that was so raw, so honest that I couldn't contain myself. I practically gained her father's blessing too. I bet he thought I was a fuckboy who flaked out on his daughter now. He was probably telling Amber to get her shit together and move forward.

I wondered what her mother thought about me. She was a really great woman but she seemed like she would bust my ass if I did anything to hurt Amber.

I wondered what Amber felt about me. Don probably warned her not to inform the police of what happened. I wouldn't have had it any other way. Roy would easily be able to get out of prison if there were only drug charges against him and go after Amber. Since I wasn't physically hurt or traumatized in any way, kidnapping charges would be dropped. If Roy had to be locked up for good, it had to be for something deeper, something more sinister. If the police were to be involved now, there wouldn't be much to hold against him. His drugs were always well hidden, with multiple dealers across the country and he had more than enough money to bail him out of jail.

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