Chapter FiftyTwo

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"Can you stop laughing at me?" Aubrey pleaded, as I continued to snicker hysterically.

After he fell, I gently helped him up, we showered and we cleaned the kitchen before I finished breakfast.

However, no matter how hard I tried, the image of him falling wouldn't get out of my head. I would picture him falling at a random time and burst out into hysterics. Just recalling the way he looked so surprised as he fell was enough to have me dying of laughter.

I placed the steaming plate on the table next to him and he wasted no time to dig in with his fork and knife.

"Hey! Haven't you heard it's bad manners to start eating before everyone is at the table?" I reprimanded, carrying my plate over to the spot next to him.

Aubrey rolled his eyes, "Haven't you heard that its bad manners to laugh at people?" He shot back.

"Touché," I giggled again.

"Besides, you're the reason I fell in the first place." He accused, throwing a balled up paper towel at me.

"Me?" I side glanced him.

"Yes, you. Don't act all innocent now." He instructed, putting the forkful of food into his mouth. "I was temporarily weakened. You've drained my seed woman, your pussy is like a vacuum."

I burst out into another episode of hysterics, clutching my stomach and gasping for air. No words could describe how good it felt to be sharing a morning like this with Aubrey, just doing normal couple things.

"I love you," I told him, leaning over in my bar stool to press my lips to his cheek. He turned, allowing me to plant a soft kiss on his lips instead. "Next time just ask for a kiss, instead of stealing it."

I didn't want to go home at all, but I knew my parents would've been home from church in a few hours and I had to beat them there.

"I love you, a lot. Almost as much as I love this omelette." He cheekily stated managing to compliment me and make fun simultaneously. "What did you put in this? I'm pretty sure I didn't buy any of these ingredients."

I shrugged and continued eating, occasionally glancing to Aubrey who had eaten about three omelettes already, back to back.

"I don't want to go home Aubrey," I confessed, once I finished my meal, resting the fork on the empty plate and sighing.

"I don't want you to go home either." He mused, taking my plate as he stood up. Following Aubrey's actions, I stood, grabbing a Lysol wipe to clean down the counter again.

Trixee ran into the room, wagging her tail in excitement. She jumped up on the legs of my jeans, whimpering when I refused to give her attention. "She doesn't want you to go either," Aubrey grinned.

"We need to make arrangements to spend more time together before you leave." I said to him, wiping in circular motions.

"Well, I'll be getting an internship with a publishing company soon, and you'll be back in school, but I'm sure that we can work something out." He said, leaning back on the counter near the sink.

"I can come back here on Sundays." I suggested, throwing the used wipe in the trash, missing the first time.

"And, I can visit during the week if you'll have me." He suggested, picking up the wipe to throw it away for me.

"You can bring Trixee, and we could bring her for walks and stuff like normal couples." I grinned from ear to ear, the thought of doing normal things thrilled me more than it should, but it was just the fact that Aubrey and I were in no way a normal couple. In some aspects, I was happy with it, because that way I never got bored of him , on the other hand, we had been through things that most people haven't had to deal with throughout the entire duration of their relationship.

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