Chapter FortyFour

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I spent little time getting dressed. I didn't feel like dressing up at all. I dressed in all black. Black leggings, black crop top, black timberlands. My outfit seemed so depressing, considering i was going to a pool party and most normal people wore vibrant and vivid colors along with their bathing suits . I dressed how I felt and at that moment I felt like a depressed blob, but I didn't want to back out of going, I had to suck it up .It was 5pm I just wanted to go to the party then come home.

I took the liberty of inviting Maya, seeing that she was my closest and only friend and always came through for me.

"Is that what you're wearing?" Genesis asked, her facial features twisted into that of disgust.

"Yes. Problem?"

She, on the other hand, wore a peach halter crochet dress, which favored her skin tone.

"You look like you're about to go to a funeral." She complimented.

"You're right. I'm not festive enough." I agreed, grabbing my American flag beanie and pulling it down over my wild hair. She rolled her eyes at me in exasperation. "I literally have no one to impress and I'm on my period so..."

"T-M-I baby girl, just know I'm not claiming you today." She warned.

"Fine." I smiled.

I drove to the party in my white Audi, it was about 35 minutes away. I didn't want to be stuck at a party without my own form of transportation. Genesis didn't mind me driving her either, and I only had to stop once to pick up Maya.

Rebecca's house was huge. My house was fairly large and extensive, but Rebecca's house made mine look like a shack. Four stories, predominantly glass doors and windows. It just looked expensive. At the front of the house there was an enormous pool, surrounded by Exotic palm trees. The lights in the pool changed colors, sort of like a disco and the music was so loud that I could literally see the water vibrating.

"Amber, this place is popping." Maya exclaimed.

I gave her a thumbs up and a huge grin, since I didn't really want to shout. I just wanted to sit in a dark corner, I was beginning to miss Aubrey.

Entering the house, we were greeted by a butler. Yes. A butler. Those men who dress like penguins and stuff. He took our jackets and told us to enjoy the party.

I thought there were a lot of people outside but apparently, the house was packed. The vast living room was like a club, bright flashing lights and gyrating bodies, grinding on each other and generating heat. The theme of the party seemed to be West Indian, the lights flashed in ice, green and gold while the sea of people moved their bodies, mimicking the way in which Caribbean people danced.

This white boy approached us wearing a dread locks wig.

"Whata gwan, Ras tafari" He muttered, before handing us all cocktails.

There was a huge banner that covered one side of the wall with the symbol: the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

I was beginning to become frustrated, making fun of our culture as a theme for a party wasn't acceptable, and I was just about to tell him how I felt when Genesis leaned over to whisper to me.

"Just relax, drink and be happy. Don't get worked up over this." She stated.

"No I don't appreciate this." I sighed, taking a sip of my drink and watching the boy walk away.

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