'I felt like I should be going to the prom, coming over in a limousine,' joked Bob, trying to break the ice.

'No tuxes necessary tonight!' Prince replied. 'Welcome to Paisley Park. Thanks for taking the time off to come up for the wedding!'

'This was the best excuse I've ever had for an absence from work,' quipped Bob and Randee's older son Brandon. 'Too bad I couldn't tell anyone the groom's name.'

'Thanks for your discretion,' Emma replied, while hugging her nephews. 'We're so glad you could make it!'

'Let's go on in and have a seat,' Prince said. 'If you'll come this way, we can visit while we enjoy dinner.'

By the end of the meal, the awkwardness was gone. Bob and Randee agreed later that Prince was a consummate host, and was clearly head over heels in love with Emma. He had made sure they were seated by Dillon and Barb, so they could catch up over the course of the meal.

Emma enjoyed meeting and getting to know Tyka and Maurice. She brought some family photos, and Emma loved seeing her beloved as a cute little boy, and hearing stories about their childhood. It was obvious they shared a deep love for each other. Conversation around the table was lively and wide ranging, filled with fun stories Randee told about Emma as a kid, or silly Mom stories from Marti and Mya. Everyone's concerns on both sides of the family melted away, and they became very excited about the wedding, instead of worried.

The next day, Prince stormed into the bedroom, beaming from ear to ear. 'Rise and shine, my love, let's get on a plane and go to a wedding!'

Emma sat up, hair completely destroyed from the previous night's lovemaking. Raising a hand to touch what felt like a rat's nest, she responded, 'I think I'm going to need a little time to recover from last night, hon. I feel like I've been run over by a train, but in the very best way.'

'I can help with that,' Prince smirked.

'Not if you want to make that plane,' Emma responded, as she sashayed her nude body past her fiance on the way to the bathroom.

'Well, dayum!' Prince remarked, whistling as he left to confirm details.

A quick shower, hair repair, makeup, and another dress from the shopping spree in Switzerland, and Emma was ready.

'Are you going barefoot?' Prince remarked, as he entered the bedroom.

'Oh my goodness! Emma looked down and laughed. 'I'm so distracted right now. I'm afraid something's going to go wrong. For one thing, I don't even know where we're going.' Putting one hand on a thrust out hip, Emma sounded quite accusatory.

'Okay, I'll tell you...is Hawaii okay? 'Cause that's where we're going. I didn't know if Randee's family had passports.'

'Of course it's okay!' Emma responded, flinging her arms around his neck and kissing him soundly. 'I promise not to ruin your surprise.'

'You need to listen to me, now. There will be 14 of us on the plane. In addition to your family and Barb and Dillon, Tyka, Maurice, Kirk and Kim will be joining us. Most of them won't stay as long-'

'How long is everyone staying?'

'Woman, let me finish!' Prince laughed to ease the sting of being interrupted. It was a pet peeve of his. 'You are excited, aren't you. Barb, Dillon, Tyka, Maurice and Kim will fly back Monday. Everyone else will stick around awhile.'

'Will Larry and his family meet us there?'

'No, he said they have another commitment.' Prince said, flatly.

'Oh, babe, I know how much he means to you,' Emma responded, putting her arms around him. 'He still doesn't approve of me, does he?'

'If you were a Wittness, he'd be a lot happier with the reality of you,' Prince replied, twisting his lips into a wry grimace. 'We've already had that conversation, you and I. I haven't had it with Larry yet, probably because I'm scared of his reaction. I think I might just lose a friend.'

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