Gifts - Chp 32

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I believe somehow – despite of whatever it is I withhold – that there is someone guiding me, watching me and maybe even loving me. For I today received a letter. I wasn’t anticipating for the mail nor was I in a pleasant mood. My Lucille was still detached from me, banned by her father and what was worse was that there were rumors her father Roberto was becoming extremely satisfied with the man courting my Lucille. It was when I found the letter slipped into my hand by our long term mail man Abelard as he gave me a meaningful glance I nearly screamed in delight at the sight of my sweet Lucille’s script on the envelope. She had sent me a letter, she was in touch, she was thinking of me! With one final warning glance from Abelard did he turn on his heel and leave, not once saying anything and yet his eyes said enough. This was a secret and this wasn’t going to be easy. And yet as always I am reminded that even in the darkest of places your soul mate will always be there and show you to the light. – Jacob Iris

Its funny how the simplest of things simply by a person – the person – can literally bring you down breathless. The softest whisper, or more so caress of my name had me entire body and soul reacting. My breath stalled abrupt and hard, my throat choking up. My body as if aware of his presence hummed as if bought back to life. My heart didn’t leap or hammer harshly. No, instead it simply stopped in disbelief.

Was this too good to be true? Was my body and soul that lonely, exhausted and emotionally rattled that I possibly imagined it all? Was this the Hollywood cliché were he’d awake to my sobs and pleading calls of distress? Or he’d be a ghost watching me fall apart and screaming at the oblivious me and by some pure luck I hear that one word – my name? Was my mind and imagination dwelling on it so much that I was dizzy?

That question I could answer.

I cleared my dry throat – or attempted – as I tried to turn towards the bed. My limbs and joints felt stiff and rusty and I suddenly felt some compassion for the Tin Man. It was like I’d never moved before, but I knew better; I was in a stated of numb disbelief. A part of my body was protecting me, trying to cease the possibility of me falling apart when I turned towards him to see his eyes shut, no change.

Because that’s what I was going to find, wasn’t it?

No matter what it was true, the sight of the sun rising was nothing in comparison to the sound of Luc’s voice – especially now – and as I turned around and laid eyes on him I realized that even something as small as an eyelash was more heart stealing than any old sun rise.

It would always be.

The sight of him had my heart plummeting and my insides churning tight. He’s still unconscious I thought bitterly. I had to remind myself that it was a miracle he was breathing let alone anything else.

Letting go of a ragged breath compressed with such emotions I made my way forward, my gaze trained on him. The closer I got and basked in his presence the more a faint, soft smile curled along my lips tasting the essence of bitter sweetness. In the dazed and glazed moment I gently – as if he was porcelain – slid my hand into his, intertwining our fingers as his touch succumbed me to a gentle reassurance.


The croak of his voice, strained and dry filled the tension thickened box that this room had become. I wouldn’t have believed it had I not seen the smallest of twitch to the corner of his lip as he breathed my name with such strain. It was only the glimmer of the twitch that shed light to being awake; the rest of his body was still deadly still as if he was succumbed in his deep slumber.

Was it possible in such a circumstance for him to be simply sleep talking even in such a deep slumber? I mused to myself anxiously as I watched on with anticipation to only receive no response.

Gifts - Soul Mates from The UnbelievablesWhere stories live. Discover now