Gifts - Chp 11

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I'm beginning to expect or think the unexpected to find suitable answers. I just don’t know where to begin and where this all ends. Since I’ve met my Lucille I’m discovering that the unexpected and trying to not control myself but just letting my life be taken in and controlled by others is effective in giving me not only answers but what I need. If I hadn’t done so I wouldn’t have met my Lucille and I need her comforting embrace and reassurance in helping me stand up and face the reality of my life. She makes my life appear wondrous and a beautiful gift and with her convincement I’m beginning to see it like that. I just need to find a sign. – Jacob Iris

“You know I knew you were serious about the basement but you also have an attic? Amazing!” Luc teased as I stood on the fold out ladder in the hall that took you up into Nan’s attic.

There wasn’t much I knew about Nan’s attic but I did know the day Pop died Nan went straight home and began burying all items that would cause recognition up here in the darkness. It was like the quicker she got it all out of sight the quicker life would appear to us as if nothing had happened. I personally didn’t know, I was yet to decide whether Pop’s belongings being in my presence would be comforting or heartbreaking.

But I was soon to find out.

Walking up another rickety step it wobbled and I buried my nails harshly into the stairs for balance. I hated heights especially something as unsafe and old as this. It wasn’t tall at all but I was already holding my breath and with trembling legs

“Sweetheart?” Luc asked all teasing gone but only filled with worry, caution. He could gauge me so well.

“I’m okay…I just…I hate heights is all.” I said my breath slightly a pant and gasp as I talked myself up to take another step. Oh god why was I born such a baby?! I growled to myself in thought.

Suddenly Luc’s hands were sitting on my hips “It’s okay, so there are two things we can do right now I can either sit your feet back on the ground or I can coach you. What do you want, the ground or me?” he asked gently.

Why did that sound like a metaphor to me? And why did I think of such things at a time like this? Luc had a way of making me lose all balance and footing so either you choose to reject Luc for stability or choose Luc to keep you dizzy but a safe dizzy. Why was it that my mind came up with the most irrelevant crap at the worse times possible?

I shakily pulled my hands back from the vice grip I had on the steps and with a wobble I reached down and held onto his hands tightly that were on my hips. A silent answer yet the honest truth of reality for me.

“Okay sweetheart, I want you to close your eyes.” He said gently, softly, he was speaking as if he was whispering sweet nothings into my ear. “I want you to imagine that these steps? These steps are just steps that are taking right down into your basement.” He murmured softly, his voice taking on a teasing tone as his thumb made circles into my cold shaky hands, stabling me. I barked out laughter at the thought forgetting all that was around me but just laughing at his words. “And when you get to the bottom step there’s me, and do you know what I-“

My laughter got the best of me and I stumbled and fell back off the steps and into Luc’s clutches as he caught me without hesitating or stumbling. I continued laughing as he wrapped his arms around my waist tightly.

Once I had stopped laughing I sighed happily “I see a couple flaws in that visual,” I chortled “firstly basement steps go down not up like the attic steps. Secondly it was highly distracting and funny and thirdly-“

“Thirdly it just makes you want to run straight down to that basement of yours and make that visual a reality right?” Luc cut over me as he murmured it huskily in my ear making me shiver and press further into his front. His arms around me tightened.

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