Gifts - Chp 2

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I am not understanding much of this world at all, I am caring for my family; my siblings all younger and yet all still in school or just on the verge of stepping into the big world. It seems my mother has lost all power to keep a hold onto her humanity. Whilst I am still playing my father’s role and putting all my studies aside for work I am still struggling to understand such powers I posses. Nothing I know of could hold such information. I however lost all passion to discover it, nor the drive to want to deal with it. I have a new passion, her name is Lucille. – Jacob Iris

Stacey walks into our math room and I follow reluctantly forcing myself not to drag my feet and slouch like a cave woman. The class as I knew they would diminishes into silence and all eyes turn to me and I am so tempted to tell them where to stick it. I practically hide behind Stacey as Miss Breust points out our seats for the year.

A run down to why math with Miss Breust was Hell. Seating plans, we were in year eleven for crying out loud and seating plans! Secondly she was a grouch; the biggest and most unhelpful person possible, why she chose to teach baffles me. Stacey and I reckon that if the fifty something year old grouch wed or at least dated for once in her entire life than maybe things would look up, shoot maybe she’d even retire. But it was all false hoping. Another reason why math was like someone repeatedly stabbing you in the ribs; the class room itself, it was a cold and small little room on the top floor of our two storey B block that had cement walls and tiled floors, the colors dreary and all year round freezing. Than the main reason why it was the worst hour of my life five times a week; because it was math.

I sigh with eternal relief. At least one of my prayers has been answered. I walk up to the very back corner and sit down at the two seated table to bathe in the bliss of having the table to myself, the only person in the whole class who has the luxury. I smile smugly to myself.

I look up to see Stacey sitting in front of me with Keith. Her prayers always answered. Stacey has had a crush on Keith since he became the new kid, which was the end of last year when we finished year ten; over four months ago. She hadn’t made her move yet but when she did I knew she wouldn’t come back to me crying. If anyone would it would be Keith stating he didn’t know what he did to deserve shut heartbreak. Oh the horror. I simply shake my head laughing silently as Stacey sends me a look that tells me that it is officially hunting season.

The door knocks as I’m unzipping my bag not looking to see who it is that has knocked, getting to class late I grab my books and look up through my strawberry blonde hair. I drop my books because what I see is Miss Breust pointing to the seat beside me, I hear Stacey gasp than giggle looking at me and the God walks towards my desk and every eye turns to me as my textbook creates a bigger bam than even what my heart does inside my chest.

I lean over and pick up my books while he pulls out the chair beside me and I shake as my body surges with this unknown adrenaline rush of such voltage that it scares me, the friction of energy between us staggering. I’m shaking as I try to contain myself, try to act normal. In my haste I sit up straight and push my chair in only to knock my books off again that I had just neatly aligned. I can feel his intense blue eyes on me as I lean over again and get my math textbook and sit it in the middle of my desk out of the edge’s way. I do it slowly, stalling time to acknowledge him because I know I’m going to do something even more stupid and embarrassing, I slowly arrange myself than align my books to the very inch so that I don’t have to face the music.

Stupidly I look at him out of the corner of my eye and meet the God’s eyes and I blush, and not a blush I can pass off, I blush to my hairline and my breathing jumps all over the place erratic and untamable. He is smiling at me, a friendly smile that makes my body surge and fill with more of these unknown emotions.

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