Gifts - Chp 30

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Research seems pointless, dismal and utterly lost. I feel as if I am a blind man travelling into an art museum, what use is there? What am I to gain? I cannot find anything and I wonder if it’s truly hereditary. No matter what though, does having these visions truly make me a monster? Am I the monster in the world or are the monsters somewhere else out there, getting away with the daily sins and treachery that they make? Is it possible that human beings are the monsters? My mind is a muddled blur and I’m beginning to question what I’ve been taught, what the world tells me. Is truly what I see an act of sins and deeds? Am I worse than the Devil himself? I have no answers and wrong or right, no one I can talk to can be right without being bias and self reliant, so where do I go to find the answers I seek and find the answers real and true? I don’t know anything, before I thought I did and I was reassured, my Lucille made it all so simple and straight, she had a mind and a voice of passion, she’d set it straight or maybe even slap me for my doubtful ways. If only she was here to slap me upon the back of my head, I’d welcome it, even if it left a mark. – Jacob Iris

Utter freezing cold ice sat low in my stomach, eating away at my insides drawing my body to a frozen stand still, tense and numb. Something people called dread.

I shuddered under his scorching breath against my skin, his head angled in the curve of my neck, inhaling my scent deeply making my skin crawl. His body against mine simply felt wrong, his body didn’t meld together like Lucas did. Being in Lucas’ arms I felt as if he balanced me out, like we were two lost puzzle pieces that finally found one another. With Eric his body if anything felt rough against mine, haggard and jiggered. His body brushed mine not being gentle and considerate like Lucas.

Not loving.

I didn’t know what he meant as in marking me as mine, my mind raced though, my entire body conveying to me that whatever it was it was simply wrong, bad, very bad. Bile rose in my throat and my heart pounded roughly against my rib cage, ready to break free and escape as I thought of the worst.

Was he going to rape me?

My hands shot forward, shoving against his chest roughly trying to push him off. I was unsuccessful though as I groaned and sobbed uselessly, he wouldn’t budge an inch and that only seemed to excite and annoy him at the same time, as if he loved the chase of it all. I’d never felt so helpless, weak and inept as I tried with all my might to shove him, pushing and hitting at his chest as I sobbed and cried, holding back the tears.

“There’s no point struggling darling, you’re going to be mine.” He murmured low, his tongue from the joining of my neck and shoulder right up to my ear.

I whimpered softly, full blown fear bubbling deep within me as I wriggled and struggled more, thrashing out at him wildly, like some crazed beast. No matter what I did though he wouldn’t budge, he was like made of stone and I think that scared me more knowing that something about him – just like the rest of those boys back in the house – wasn’t normal, wasn’t human.

The little self defense I know kicked in and I raised my knee, it slamming right into his groin. His intake of breath was sharp as he staggered slightly back, the pressure of his body gone. One hand of his reached down, cupping himself pitifully.

I didn’t hesitate though, I ran out the side where he had lowered his arm to himself, relief and hope building deep within me as I let go a heavy breath, my lungs feeling less dense and constricted. I ducked out and ran, making a break for it as I struggled to remember which way I had come from, losing my bearings.

It was useless hoping though, Eric’s hand shot forward, wrapping around my ankle and pulling down on the ground, my head and stomach crashing to the woods floor, rocks and sticks digging into my flesh. I gasped, struggling for breath as the air was knocked out of me, my lungs tightening again.

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