Gifts - Chp 29

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Every ounce or measure of my family’s belongings seems to have either disappeared off the face of the earth or have pointless meaning. Nothing I find seems to be of use and I don’t need that. What I need more than the oxygen I rely on is to find some clues; some history on what I’ve become, my entire soul and future relies on such. I cannot find any details or clues and I need to know what these secrets hold. My perspective is that if I find out some more details, some more truth than I can conquer all these doubts and worries and take my claim of my Lucille back. I’m hearing more and more talk about her father Roberto looking for a suitor to court my Lucille and they’re lining up at the door. I cannot let my love go to another man, as long as she is fighting for me I need to fight for her. I need to discover the truth and that may mean travelling and leaving my families side and worst of all my Lucille’s side. I need to find a way to talk to her, to see her again. Or soon, I shall lose my one true love to the monsters knocking on her doorstep. – Jacob Iris

I came to heaving and gasping, my throat on fire and my lungs feeling as if they had already collapsed. My insides still felt like they were on fire and greedily I took as many greedy breaths as possible from where I laid. I kept gasping and choking, grabbing and feeling around my throat desperately, afraid I’d find something damp.

Like my blood.

It seemed though that the more I taunted myself by reliving and thinking of what I had just seen the more my breathing became labored again, I began choking and my throat that was just starting to cool down was heaving and burning up against, my hand clutching my throat tighter. The longer I sat there, heaving as bracing myself ready to fall into oblivion again, the more I realized this wasn’t like last time.

I was hyperventilating.

“Keith! She’s awake!” Stacey soundly hollered.

Looking up through bleary eyes I found her having just walked into this room again, pausing at the doorway as she hollered down the hall. Her eyes swiftly turned to me, an ice pack and glass of water already in hand as she raced to my side, sitting on the edge of the lounge that I was lying on. Her hands pattered around, frantic and unsure of herself, not knowing what to do when someone was hyperventilating.

The thought only had me heaving greater, freaking out beyond belief as I remember the time I had hyperventilated going to the hospital with Lucas, how I had freaked out beyond belief and he had known what to do. If he was here right now I’d be fine, he’d know what to do. Hell I wouldn’t be hyperventilating in the first place. The thoughts whirling through my head scratched at my insides wounding me as I sobbed greater clutching my chest, my eyes tearing up again.

“It’s okay sweetie, its okay.” Stacey cooed, grasping my shoulders and looking me in the eye, her serious and composed expression meeting my frantic and wild one “It’s going to be alright, the boys have a plan and they’re going to get him.”

I shook my head, the scorching tears now leaving a trail down my face as I shook my head vigorously “It’s….too l-late.” I sobbed, clutching my chest tighter, my heart felt like it was lit alight on fire and I screamed softly, biting my fist with my teeth.

“Keith!” Stacey called, composed no more but her voice shrill.

The response was instant.

“What do you mean it’s too late?” Stacey demanded as I could hear the loud thuds of feet on the floor racing towards us. “Holl! Tell me damn it!” Stacey persisted, not knowing what to do.

“What happened?” Keith asked sharply, racing into the room others in tow.

Stacey made a sound of distress and anxiety “I don’t know! She woke up and I found her hyperventilating. She won’t say anything! She just said that it’s too late!” she cried, her voice breaking in distress “I-I don’t know what to do, I feel so u-useless.” She sobbed looking at me in horror as I rocked back and forth curling myself in a ball.

Gifts - Soul Mates from The UnbelievablesWhere stories live. Discover now