Gifts - Chp 46

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I write this in haste. Disbelief bottles me and I cannot bring myself to pardon my handwriting’s disordered scrawl. Freedom has also seemed to bottle me, some miracle. Possibly a Wedding present? The stone of the prison was pummelled down by creatures with such brazen strength that left me rattled and positive I was in the presence of sin himself. I edged away preferring to be a captive of the prison and my death for the morning over these unnatural men. Before Lucille stepped into the moonlight. The rest is almost a blur of her needy hold, unwavering in strength as she begged me to flea with her, to trust her as she dragged me over the broken stone and out into the night. Shouts were thrown, the men disappeared from our side and Lucille begged me on. I cannot write more in my haste as we are now fugitives, Lucille’s pleas for our escape and to run which we shall prepare for. There’s no hesitation, I’d gladly run for the rest of my life as long as my soul mate is by my side. – Jacob Iris

“Wait!” she suddenly hissed, her tongue flicking out in distaste, my head snapped up and out from the dark smothering abyss I had been sinking into with bone chilling terror.

The entire entourage of her henchman froze in place, no questions. In fact if anything their grip on me tightened with trepidation. Her voice had that impact; her voice was like a brush too close to death.

I held my breath as I watched her eyes flicker beneath her eyelids as she concentrated on something. She cursed “We have company.” Her wrists flicked out at her sides as she restrained from forming an angry tight fist, fighting for control “The one day the red and blue men actually get on the right track.” She spat in distain, my hopes squandered before they could even rise.

Red and blue men? I had no idea what she meant, nothing she said seemed to make sense. It reminded me of my many English lessons when we’d read Shakespeare were the left side of the page was of the original words than to the right was the translated side. I always went right. And Dalinda was certainly left.

I didn’t ponder much longer though before we heard one loud startling ‘whoop’ before red and blue lights were dancing off the windows and sliding through the cracks in the drawn curtains. I couldn’t help but gasp with blind hope, the red and blue men were the police. There were policemen outside!

Dalinda didn’t look squandered at all; she squared her shoulders, rubbed her lips and fluffed her hair before reaching for the door “Uh, this doesn’t look like a job for you tonight.” One of her henchman husked as he peeked through the gap of the blind, a husk of amusement held in that slow drawl.

She halted, her eyes swivelling to him with wildness “There are two heartbeats. Humans. Don’t point me wrong.” She all but snarled at the accusation that she could possibly be wrong.

I gulped, two police men wasn’t the most ideal rescue squad. They’d be sitting ducks.

“I know.” He amended still with the same drawl and yet I couldn’t help but notice it still seemed to come out with more haste “But, they’re women.”

“I know that.” She paused as my eyes narrowed in on her “I can seduce females just as well.” She replied with indignation, but the fact that she’d snapped back told me well enough that she certainly didn’t know. She hadn’t looked through the blinds.

This one brazen henchman’s lips tugged at the corner in a frightening grin as he gave her a sultry look from head to toe “No denying it.” There really was no use denying it “But let me, I’m starving.” His top lip curling up to show just how starving he was, his fangs lowered.

“No, we’re not eating here.” Dalinda denied him with a sharp wave through the air “We do not have the time and I’m not risking leaving a trail for those pests.”

Gifts - Soul Mates from The UnbelievablesWhere stories live. Discover now