Gifts - Chp 15

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I can’t seem to get a handle on all of this, I really can’t. I'm beginning to wonder if it is in fact blood connected, hereditary. Yet I'm unsure as to where to start and ask, I cannot ask in fact my father due to his passing, he was someone I in fact only asked questions as such like these, I was after all very close to him. My mother who was wasting away in her bed and was nothing of a life source now, she was not someone I could go to, I didn’t need to make matters worse and all. My mother wasn’t one to speak much at all now, no one could really get through to her, it wounded me to think even her own children wasn’t even enough for her to get out of bed and try. It broke my heart, my siblings weren’t as hurt, especially as some of them were too young to understand let alone know any better. I had no one to ask apart from Lucille who knew nothing of my family history, I had no one else. All in all I had two people before I could have gone to; my father and my best friend, Lloyd. Now all I had is my Lucille, and at the end of the day I wouldn’t change it for the world. – Jacob Iris

The weekend grew to an end quickly and before we knew it school was back. School was spent with us going to classes and fooling around and yet we continued researching. Our lunch days were spent with us cooped up in the school’s library leaning over books and the computer screens searching for anything.

My mind had become…chaotic. I didn’t know where to start in solving all of this new and rather enticing news. I had so many questions spiraling through my head and consuming my every thought, I found it hard to concentrate or focus on anything but the diary. It was consuming and mind running, sleep was difficult but I survived off the need for knowledge and desire. I wasn’t scared by what I was to find but rather excited, I wanted to know my heritage and anything else I could discover, I was hungry for knowledge and in all honesty I felt like some sort of awesome bad ass by being such a detective.

It was a lunch break and we decided to camp out on the school’s oval on the grass. Grabbing the diary and Luc grabbing a pile of notes he printed off the night before we made our way down the steps and to the oval.

“You know you didn’t have to print off all of that, I thought we were going to do it together.” I said to him as we walked passed others pausing at all the rest of the rush and such, everyone eager for food.

Luc shrugged “Look Holl, it’s alright. I mean, you can’t do anything back at your Nan’s because you may be at risk of her finding out. So that leaves me with the only chance of helping out whilst I can, I mean you take the huge burden of the one having to endure these visions. I'm just the researcher.” He said shrugging easily as if he was doing nothing amazing for me.

I ran my fingers through my hair as we waited and watched others come in through the doorway whilst we waited to go out “Well….why don’t you invite me over and we can do it together?” I asked. I wanted to be involved; it was a huge responsibility of mine after all.

Luc reached out and grabbed my hand and pulled me in closer to him sensing my slight put out, it was as he reached to place his lips to my temple to soothe me that I caught the eyes of a bunch of girls from our year. All their eyes watching our exchange with wide eyes. At the last second I looked away pulling away.

Luc sighed “Princess why do you do that?”

I shrugged not looking at him “I just don’t want to give them the wrong idea.” I mumbled.

He chuckled with no humor “And what wrong idea could that be? That we like one another?” he asked of me with meaning.

I sighed my eyes welling “Luc don’t.” I said my voice wavering as I warned him.

“Sweetheart I just….” He trailed off unsure as he took a step closer to me “I just want you to stop resisting me.” he said sadly, as if it broke him.

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