Gifts - Chp 23

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I hate how everything has fallen back down again. Everything has fallen apart and I don’t know what to do. When my dear Lucille was here she took me away into a world where everything was vibrant, beautiful and there was never anything bad. Yet now that she’s been taken and denied from me the darkness of reality has sunk back in. the reality that I’ve lost both my parents in a little over a year, the fact that my studies and learning is all shoved aside to work and support for my family and of course the little knowledge of what I am. Around my Lucille researching and hunting for answers seems futile, pointless. Now though that she is far and she has been denied of all reason to see me let alone court me it’s all I have left to be at least to mildly distract myself from my aching heart that cries for my one true love Lucille. My heart is shriveling under all this pressure and strain and I don’t know how long I’ve got, all I know is my cure; my Lucille. – Jacob Iris

“Curse this bipolar weather!” Luc hissed as we rushed around the curve of the football field, the sunny day now turned to wet rain and thunder, a storm brewing. Lucas was utterly right, it was Melbourne for you though; its weather was never predictable.

“What row was it again?” I shouted out to Luc as I covered my head with one of the plastic bags in my hands, that didn’t matter to me in the slightest. The two of us were rushing around the ring of the football field, our seats in the grandstand on the other side of the entrance.

“Um, row sixteen and seats thirty four and five!” he shouted out over the wailing of the wind and the water spitting up at us as we ran and walked briskly.

I giggled as my feet found a puddle and the water spluttered up at Luc. He shot me a look and before I knew it he was kicking rain up at me. I gasped as I narrowed my eyes at him “Oh hell no!” I yelled doing the whole finger snap and all.

It didn’t frighten Luc though, no all he did was burst out in laughter as we continued running to our seats. Gasping in mock horror I chased after him, catching up as I playfully nudged him also. Laughing and fooling around we finally made our way under the grandstand and shelter, the both of us panting and out of breath.

Walking up the grandstands stairs we counted off the rows numbers until we reached row sixteen. Luckily we had come up the right side that was closest to our seat numbers so we weren’t barging people over and having to do the awkward squeeze in shuffle passed other people already seated. I hated that part the most when going to watch something.

Sitting down in a heave as I chucked all my bags on the ground I glanced around, the seats were practically deserted, the football was yet to start for even another hour and right now the minor leagues were playing so the chairs were basically deserted, especially since it was wet. I felt sorry for those poor buggers that had seats out with no shelter but I’d be lying if I said I had never had to do that for a football game. For now though those who had seats out in the wet were most likely taking the seats under shelter until the owners of those seats came. Something I considered pretty damn wise.

Sitting down in the seats Luc and I got ourselves comfortable as we stashed all our bags securely beneath our feet. After going to the library I had coned Luc into going shopping with me, since the centre mall of Melbourne was literally across the road. I hadn’t bought much at first but once I got started I couldn’t stop ranging from clothes, accessories, books, music and lots of various items. I thought I deserved a good splurge though. I must admit though my favorite part of going to that mall though was finding the small photo booth room where I convinced Luc to get some photos with me, very few of them serious.

They were the best five minutes of my life.

Sitting in the seats it didn’t take long for our gaze to lock on the game before us. I actually loved the wet football matches, I loved watching the players slide and fall in the mud, their jumpers soaked and caked in mud. Plus when the fist fights started it was more amusing when they were tripping over mud before an actual person. Who didn’t love a good biff?

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