Gifts - Chp 31

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Love is a fickle thing; it bemuses and yet scares me. Life itself never is simple, it is a ride that just never ceases to end and never stays smooth for too long. Like an expedition up the high mountains on horseback over the rugged terrain, there is no hesitation or doubt that it is going to be smooth. We as human take it with grace, we accept the life given to us and we dedicate our lives to living the life blessed upon as by whomever we deem is our lord. In every life love obstructs and takes possession of your form in many ways. The love you feel for your sister, your mother, your butcher or your soul mate. My soul mate is and forever will be my Lucille, until my heart beats its final lullaby. There is no indecision of where my heart will forever lie; in my soul mate’s hands. It is however the askew and instant amendment of your priorities that startles me, it leaves me concerned and haunted. My life revolved around providing from my dwindled family, working. This witchery or mayhem that had possessed me soon became my highest priority; I was having these visions, sights. It was like dreams and yet they were real, they happened not long after I watched it. The plague of worry and how scared I was of myself – of what I had become – soon was my priority. Than in she came, like the enticing sway of the spring breeze and before I knew it every other thought and priority of my past was over swept and minuscule. It isn’t until now when she has been torn from my clutches that I realize how fickle and enchanting love is, my lovely beautiful Lucille – my soul mate – was able to sweep me away from my worries and drama. Now when she’s so close and yet forbidden from seeing me, connecting with me that once again my priorities change. I need to discover so much of my past, my heritage and even my future. Although, I am incapable deny that ‘till I weep my final breath, my Lucille be my foremost priority. – Jacob Iris

The top half of my body flew up from where I was lying, a sharp rush of air passing through my lips with a sharp painful gasp. I greedily swallowed up the oxygen all around me, greedy as if I had been drowning and finally took my first gasp of air. My lungs scorched ruthlessly, as if someone had lit a match inside my chest and running it along my insides. I clutched at my chest frantically, trying to find something, anything, which may possibly relieve the searing white hot pain through my lungs and body.

Over time the adrenaline, the pain and simply the stress and panic within me began to ease to a numb thrum and I was simply lurching over panting and clutching my chest, my harsh breathing only scorching my insides more, like I had been turned inside out. The actual pain had left now I was simply just having difficulty with coaching myself to breath and not letting this panic attack of hyperventilating take its course.

The mere thought of hyperventilating took me back to Lucas, that day outside the hospital, how he had been giving me a piggy back ride, the next we were practically all over each other and the next I was hyperventilating. I remember how quick he jumped into action, rushing me into the hospital and snapping at the nurse, he got me a paper bag and coached me through it all. Once it was all over and I was okay he held me to him in relief, clutching me tight and breathless.


The mere thought of his name had me swinging my jelly like legs over the side of the bed I was lying on and scrambling up off my feet. My head was in a whirl that I didn't even bother on trying to remember the last thing that happened before I succumbed to unconsciousness, I was too worried about Lucas to care. My quaking legs carried me across the large expanse room of whites and creams, my legs wobbling with every step I took. I felt like I was drugged, like there was something terrible in my system.

I knew I looked a mess – I didn't need to see it to believe it – and I also knew that I was more than in pain and hurt over the past events of today. My entire body ached, my legs, my scalp, my face and my stomach. Everywhere simply thrummed and churned in protest with every step that I took, I was battered and bruised badly.

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