Gifts - Chp 28

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Have you ever been so desperate or reliant on something that suddenly nothing felt hopeless or impossible? My entire being craved and throbbed for my Lucille and I was willing to do literally anything in saving her and bringing her rightfully back to where she belonged. At my side. No matter how determined you are though to reach your one true and only desire, your meaning, there is always that deep heavy feeling of doubt, helplessness. I felt utterly helpless; I needed Lucille’s father’s approval something which was utterly near impossible unless I was some other man. They thought that I was strange, sinful. I needed to prove to myself and others that I wasn’t in fact sinful and bad, I needed to understand my heritage, my blood line. I needed to know what these dreams and visions meant; I needed to know now and right away. Or else my life will honestly waste away without my Lucille and I was determined more than ever to get her back to me. – Jacob Iris

The whole entire drive to Keith’s house I fretted and tried to hold back the bile rising in my throat. My stomach churned feeling sicker the deeper we were embraced by the surrounding woods and all I could think was how similar this was to a horror film. My body was getting clammy with anxiety, my body fidgeting and shaking with jitters as I tried to show sense of weakness around Stacey.

I was going to Keith’s house.

I honestly in this frame of mind didn’t have much of a chance to pull a composed or forward thought together. I was just a jumbled mess but at the end of the day I knew two things. One of them being that Stacey was my best friend, I could trust her, this certainly couldn’t be anything dangerous or a set up. The second being was that I didn’t care who was helping or anything as such, I just wanted Lucas back and safe, and I just wanted to nestle into his warmth.

Stacey was silent beside me looking straight ahead and serious as she drove in the dangerous and wild weather. I didn’t know if that frightened me more or what. She had reacted instantly to my news of Lucas, didn’t try to soothe me and tell me that I was being silly or anything else, she didn’t just presume like any other person that he was just caught up or something. No, she had jumped into action, demanded answers and took control like a leader, she drove swiftly and seriously. Should it frighten me that she seemed to be more urgent and informed than even myself?

A part of me wanted to scream at her and demand answers, to demand what on earth was going on and why Keith? How on earth was Keith going to help? I wanted to scream and shout at her, throwing the most immature tantrum seen to mankind but I held my tongue because right now all that mattered was Lucas.

The boy that had saved me and now I had to save.

If Stacey noticed my anxiety she didn’t voice it, I didn’t know if like me she was biting her tongue to show her disapproval of my reaction to Keith’s name, or if she was too lost in the seriousness of the moment or even if she solely didn’t realize a change since I was a mess before she had even told me about going to Keith’s.

I just didn’t know nor did I care.

Suddenly Stacey pulled off and I gulped as we went down the gravel road, the woods holding us on the one sole road that was rough and yet well worn. I didn’t know whether I should be frightened about the fact that I didn’t even know a place existed down this road or that there was actually a road here, or the fact that we were going to some place in the middle of nowhere to be wrapped up tight in the dark, drenched woods.

The drive was rough but that didn’t stop Stacey for racing down the drive and through the ditches and pot holes, any other time she would care for her car but now she didn’t. That only reminded me of how serious this situation was.

The entire time my stomach quenched and churned, feeling sick and my throat dry. My nails literally attacked at the rash on the back of my wrist, trying to get rid of the flaming itch, I didn’t even care in the slightest about the fact that it was flaming darker and now drawing blood. I just didn’t care about anything in the slightest apart from getting Lucas home safe and well.

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