Gifts - Chp 20

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I am beyond the happiest man alive, I live with secrets, I live with uncertainties and yet officially I now live and breathe with my fiancé hand and hand with me. I had finally proposed to my Lucille, courting my beautiful angel. It was a struggle and at first I wasn’t going to do so without my Lucille’s permission of her father, a noble and highly wealthy man but I followed through and I couldn’t be happier. It is a huge risk to take courting Lucille without her father’s acceptance but as Lucille had mentioned earlier he wasn’t going to give it to the poor fellow who was being accused of such within our community. It didn’t matter at the end of the day as my Lucille had said, all that matter was that we loved one another and have one another and I do, with a burning intensity within me I enrich and bathe myself within her clutches with such wonderment I wonder how this very sweet soul can truly bare a ring of ownership and companionship with the very likes of a man like me. – Jacob Iris

I awoke to the chirping of birds, the rays of light littering in and warming me and the feel of fingers running up and down my back softly, soothingly. I moaned softly snuggling further into the warmth of heaven as I inhaled the scent deeply, the smell tickling my senses and bringing a warming smile to my face.

“Morning sweetheart.” A voice rumbled.

I smiled with a dopey grin as I felt Luc burry his face deeper into my hair and nuzzle into me as if it was my warmth and scent that was intoxicating. I shivered in pleasure as I felt Luc’s hands run up and down slowly, teasingly along my back and shoulders. It was pure bliss.

“I could get really used to this.” I murmured softly not even thinking of what I was saying, the words just tumbling out. What this boy did to me.

Luc chuckled throatily, still rough from sleep “I wish you were like this every morning.” He murmured roughly his nose running along the length of his jaw line.

I smiled dopily my arms curling around his neck “What? Don’t you like my usual self?” I murmured softly.

Luc shook his head fiercely “No.” he growled, “I just wish you were more honest like you are right now.” he murmured seriously.

I sighed almost wistfully, in all honesty I wish I could be more open and honest but I felt at times so shy around Luc, the insecure part of me was just waiting for the moment were he’d change his mind and start running.

“Am I weakening you?” he murmured softly in my ear, his hot breath tickling my skin causing a flare in my body.

I curled more so into him, my arms wrapped tight around her neck as I murmured an honest and almost sulkily “Yeah.” A pout in my voice.

Luc chuckled softly in my hair, his breath fanning my hair “Would I have you on my knees if I made you breakfast in bed?” he murmured.

I smiled with a giggle “If you make me breakfast in bed I'll even give you the keys to my basement.” I taunted.

Luc groaned “I'm holding you to that princess.” He said gruffly leaving some freckles of kisses along my jaw line before he sprinted to the other side of the room for the kitchen.

I pouted at the sudden loss of warmth and comfort, the loss suddenly no fun. Patting the space around me I reached out and over to the bedside table where I found a number of pamphlets, letting my eyes slither open to see all the bright pamphlets of places to see in Melbourne. Pursing my lips I hoisted myself up on my elbows as I began to flip through each of them, admiring how tempting every single one of them was. How was I to choose?

“Luc?” I sung out.

“Yes sweetheart?” he called back as I listened to him fumble around in the kitchen searching for whatever it was he needed.

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