I turned my head and looked at my twin Jade, she was grinning, "Are you kidding??? I would be HONORED to even sit in one of her chairs! I really want to talk with her, she seems to unique and amazing!" Jade was latterly bouncing up and down with exciment. GOSH she was a handful. My mother looked at me and I nodded. It wouldn't kill me to get to know Alpha Calla. My father glared at me and muttered, "Traitors" under his breathe before walking out of the room with Mary, my brother trailed behind him but shot apologetic looks at mom. Mom closed her eyes and took two deep breaths before opening her eyes and smiling, she pushed us over to sit to the left of Calla. She was staring at her food, like she didn't even realize we were here.

But when Mom pulled her chair out Calla's eyes shot up to her, she looked startled to see us all sitting her with her, she looked around and saw the men wernt here. My mother looked into Calla's eyes, "Calla dear don't think my husband dosnt like you, he does but he feels threatened by you. When we were about 500 miles away from the pack house we could feel the power from you radiating everywhere. He was shocked. He wants to show his kids that hes the best Alpha ever but that's not the case. Hes an amazing Alpha, Husband, and Father but hes not the BEST of the best. That my dear is you."

My mother was spot on... we were all freaked out about the strength radiating from her... she was so intimidating in person. I was all tense and I watched every move she made, she was so graceful and beautiful and she didn't even realize it. I knew my mother was reading her thoughts, I knew Father would be mad at her for exposing her ability. No one other then close, close family members and friends knew about the abilities in this family. What Mom was doing was risky...

Calla nodded, My mother huffed, "Dear, don't let anyone judge you because of your gender, everyone knows you are powerful and strong. People are jealous of that and they will kill the power by harming you, physically and verbally but you have to over come that and realize how great you really are." Calla smiled at my Mom's words. "Your a telepathic just like me. Its good to know one other person other then Jasper that's like me. But since you ran here you must be a werewolf too." My mother smiled at her, "Yes I am just like you Calla, And I am a werewolf. I was honestly surprised you weren't a wolf. Your so muscly and strong, the way you use your Alpha tone even had my husband and I, even the children flinching." Calla nodded and looked down at her lap.

I could tell Jade was going to step in because she was reading her thoughts, when ever Jade reads thoughts she crunches up her eyebrows in concentration, "Calla don't think your a freak, cause your tots not! Your gorgeous and don't even get me started on those tattoos!!" Calla glanced at Jade to see she was smiling very big, it was kind of creepy but Calla just found it amusing. She laughed at her (Man her laugh is so seductive), "Jade, I see you can also read my thoughts. Thank you, you know the story of these tattoos are quite strange. Would you like to hear?" I looked at Jade to see her face was lit up, "Of course I would!!!!" She squealed with joy and clapped her hands together... jeez my twin and I are so different. So annoying.

Calla chuckled, "Ok so you must must know im a special type of faye with three abilities, I am a succubus, telepathic and a nymph.... Im a wood, land and air nymph."

Calla paused the story to see our reactions. WE WERE ALL STUNNED! I have never heard of that being possible ever... my mothers eyes were wide and Jade and mines mouth were open with shock. I saw a pained expression cross over her face but she ignored out reactions and continued.

"So we were going to battle with the Dark Dawning Pack, You know before they all joined my pack. You se my mate was its Alpha but I didn't know he was cause I was mixed up with three other mates. But ill skip that part, S these faye came to help me master my abilities, and when I practiced my famous lightning storm, I passed out from all of the energy and power I was holding. And when I woke up and went to shower I saw myself in the mirror and saw everything changed. My hair used to be brown, and my eyes used to be light brown, I had bad any muscle, but I was still strong.

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