Chapter 34

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The apartment was phenomenal. It was so modern and classy that he immediately loved it.

The apartment was way bigger than the last two and the entrance opened to a huge room with a recliner and chairs strewn across and a chest of drawers on one wall

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The apartment was way bigger than the last two and the entrance opened to a huge room with a recliner and chairs strewn across and a chest of drawers on one wall. On the adjacent wall were shelves. To the opposite wall was a transparent shower and an adjoining toilet. There was a small dining table in front of it and the kitchen opposite the table. There was a narrow staircase in the middle of the room and it led to a bed above  that gave the illusion of being suspended in the air with a transparent glass roof just over it. The whole place was a contrast of white and blue. It was so well lit but there was something missing that he couldn't put his finger on.

Lucas's heart broke thinking that he couldn't afford to get this place.

"How low will the owner be willing to go?" Lucas asked.

"I can try twenty three hundred but no lower. They already have offers. I am sorry, Mr. Grayson" he said sadly and his heart plummeted.

"Just show me the fourth apartment. Then I will see if I can manage this one"

"Yes, sir. Let's go"

Lucas drove behind the broker all the while thinking how beautiful the place was and how Megan would have loved it. Could he not manage the rent with his savings for a while till he got an increment? But what if he couldn't get an increment?

They stopped in front of a normal building and Lucas realized that it was just about fifteen minutes from his campus. The broker was so stupid, they had gone in circles to see the apartments instead of just in a single direction.

"This place is  owned by an old couple. I don't know how or why they own this but they are willing to give it away for a really cheap price. Two thousand dollars, and the place is great"

"Let me decide that"

The broker unlocked the door and Lucas entered. The apartment immediately gave him a warm feeling in his heart.

It was brown and black contrasted with yellow soothing lights flooding the room

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It was brown and black contrasted with yellow soothing lights flooding the room. The entrance wasn't in the middle, it was at a corner so it gave a little private feeling to the place. After the tiny hallway, there was a huge mirror on the opposite wall and a plant beside it. Adjoining the plant was a huge black and white couch with a beautiful light hovering over it. On the other side of the mirror there was a small kitchen. There was a small bathroom in front of the couch and a flat screen television beside it. There were shelves beside it for all his DVDs and stuff. When Lucas turned to the staircase that led to his bed upstairs, he gasped. A huge bookshelf decorated the wall. It actually covered the entire wall. This was what was missing from the other apartments, the place to keep his books. His never ending huge collection of books that he could now bring from his home in Oakland. The apartment was so spacious, he could afford to get his book collection, his DVD collection and all his belongings to this place.

"How did the old couple get this place?" he asked.

"Must have been their kid's" the broker guessed.

"Maybe. Listen, just shortlist the last two apartments. I need to show them to someone before signing the lease. Also, check the lowest price for the previous apartment. I will see you in a few hours again"


Lucas drove back really happy. He was sure he would be able to move in within the next week. The thought was liberating. Now, he just wanted to see what Megan would say. The apartment she chooses will tell him a lot about her.

"Megan" he called out entering her dorm but it was empty so he called her.

"Lucas, I am with Aaron in the library right now. Juliet told him about the thing and he is in a bad shape. I will talk to you later" she whispered as soon as she picked up.

Juliet told him now? That girl couldn't have a worse timing. At least Daniel had told him earlier. Daniel obviously cared for Lucas more than Juliet did for Aaron. He felt disgusted the moment this thought entered his mind. Neither of their siblings cared for them or they could have told them the truth way before. Should he go and talk to Aaron? They had been friends once upon a time. Would that be humiliating for Aaron if Lucas saw him in his bad shape? Should he or should he not visit?


Megan saw Aaron's body trembling.

"She is my whole world and now I get to know that my whole world has been a lie, I don't know what to do" he mumbled and she hugged him. They were sitting in a corner of the library where no one would find them. Aaron had guided her here saying that it was his safe haven.

"It will be okay, Aaron. Maybe not immediately but soon, it will be" she said calmly.

"Has Daniel told Lucas?" he asked and Megan looked surprised.

"Come on, Meg. I know you went to his house those days after which you came apologizing" he said and Megan looked sheepish.

"So, has he?" he asked again.

"Yes" she admitted.

"How did he take it? I know he loves his brother" Aaron said.

"I can't tell you that. It is personal for him, isn't it?" she said and Aaron smiled at her loyalty.

"Yes, it is. I just want to know what to do. How do I fill this big fucking hole in my chest that she so easily made and left? She didn't even check on me. One moment, we are having lunch and I was going to see her off in a few hours, the next she leaves me at the diner to catch her flight. She didn't even turn back to see what her 'truth'  did to me" Aaron said melancholy.

"Do you want to talk to Lucas about it? I am sure he will be willing to help" Megan offered.

"No, he will laugh at my misery and we will just fight again. I don't have that kind of energy right now"

"He will never laugh at your misery, Aaron. He went through the same thing, okay? You both are very strong and you will get over it. And you guys are kind of lucky that you have someone who dealt with the same thing" she said trying to find a silver lining of happiness in this miserable situation.

"I don't know, Meg. I just don't know anymore" he sighed.

"You fought because of your siblings who to be honest are not very good people, at least, get your friend back" she said.

"I can't handle the heavy stuff right now, I have a lot going on already" he snapped.

"I am sorry. I really really am sorry. Take as much time as you want" she said realizing that it was pointless for her to be so insensitive right now.

"Leave me alone for sometime please. I will see you tomorrow?" he asked after a few minutes.

"You bet you will see me tomorrow. Take care, Aaron. I am just a text away" she said and waved goodbye.


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Adrianna <3

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