Chapter 6

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"Where were you yesterday?" Megan asked Summer the moment she stumbled in the dorm room. It seemed as if she was having trouble walking straight.

"I was having the best sex of my life" Megan flinched at her bluntness.

"What? Who?" she asked.

"Luke" Summer said and fell on her bed. Her soft snores filled the room after a few minutes.

Megan shook her head at tge thought of Lucas and left for her breakfast and classes. It had been too long since she had talked to her sister Kat. She decided to call her and catch up.

"Hey Kat" Megan chirped at her sister.

"Meg, how are you?"

"I am good. You?"

"I am amazing as usual. Any hot boys at NYU? Got any action?"

"Kat!" Megan gasped.

"Yes, there are hot guys here and no I did not get any action" Megan said blushing thinking about the first night in NYU when she had witnessed someone else having sex.

"Is that disappointment in your voice? You have got the hots for someone, don't you?"

"What has happened to you? What sort of phrases are you using"

"New friends at school but don't you dare change the subject. Tell me?"

"His name is Zach. He is really sweet and charming. He has these blue eyes and dark messy hair and we went out yesterday. Oh, and I bought a new car"

"That's great that you got a car. And you already went out with a guy? Who are you and where is my shy and dense sister?" Kat teased.

"Shut up" Megan mumbled embrassed.

Kat laughed on the other line making Megan smile.

"Tell mom I love her. Okay? I have to go for class now. Tell her I got a new car as well"

"Okay. I love you, Meg"

"Love you too"

Megan stood up and realized that Zach was standing right behind her the entire time. She flushed bright red knowing that he had heard her talk with Kat.

"He...Hey Zach" Megan mumbled and started walking fast.

"Charming and sweet, Meg?" Zach said amusement lacing his tone.

"Don't you know eavesdropping is rude? "

"Don't you know hiding what you feel is rude as well?" Zach said and Megan laughed.

"Why are you following me anyway?"

"Literature, remember?"

"Oh, yeah"

They walked in silence after that.

"I want to show you something. Would you come with me after class?" Zach asked.


"I won't kill you, I promise"

"Okay" Megan's heart pounded in her chest.

After class Zach lead her to his room.

"After you" Zach grinned holding the door open for her.

The room was messy to say the least. It had clothes, pizza boxes and beer cans all over the place.

"Impressive" Megan commented.

The sarcasm wasn't lost on Zach as he laughed.

"Sit, sit" he asked her and started rummaging through his closet.

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