Chapter 3

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When Megan woke up the next morning she had caught a terrible cold. Her previous thoughts that Lucas could be sweet completely vanished. If he had a single decent bone in his body, he would have helped her out and not let her stay out in the cold through the night. Her mood dropped several notches. But the good thing was that there was a pool boy at that time which meant that she could finally find her way back.

After reaching the main hall she looked about for her roommate just in case she had waited for Megan. After half an hour Megan found Summer on the couch sleeping. She woke her up and they left for their dorm. On reaching the dorm they both took a shower in the common bathroom and then sat down on their beds to talk.

"I can't believe that you saw them having sex," Summer exclaimed. Summer was really pretty with her dark hair falling over her shoulders, green-brown eyes and a killer figure. She was on the shorter side though.

"That's it though. I did not see them. At all,"

"Not even a peek?"

Megan shook her head and Summer seemed to be disappointed.

"He is really rude though. If he had helped me last night I wouldn't have had to sleep by the pool in the cold," Megan told the whole story to her friend and after she had finished, Summer was in a daze.

"That guy is the campus's personal Greek God. Of course he would have attitude and would be rude. You at least had the chance to talk to him personally. Don't ponder over his attitude," Summer said and Megan nodded mutely.

After talking about some other random stuff they both went to sleep again.


On Monday, Megan was ready to begin with the new phase of her life. She woke up early, dressed herself in a cut-sleeves shirt and high rise jeans and paired them with casual sandals. She then planned out her day minute for minute. After waking up Summer for her classes Megan left the dorm for the campus.

It took her fifteen minutes to reach the campus cafeteria and she ordered coffee and bagel for breakfast. At home, her mother used to make her breakfast everyday. Just the thought of her family brought tears to her eyes. She missed them terribly although it had been only a week since she left.

She called her mother to talk. Her mother had been her lucky charm since forever and she made sure that she was there before every big day.

"Hello?" Lynn, her mother spoke.

Megan choked on her words. She hadn't realized how much she had actually missed her mother until then.

"Baby, are you okay? Meg?" her mother asked.

"M.. Mom," Megan breathed. Just then her order was prepared and she settled on a table with her breakfast.

"Yes, baby. It is me. What happened?"

"I miss you, mom. I am starting my semester today and I miss you so much" Megan said. She spoke to her mother while devouring her breakfast.

"I miss you more Meg. So does your sister. We love you and we are so proud of you. It was your dream to get into NYU and we are so happy for you" Lynn said as her voice started becoming hoarse.

"How is Kat, anyway?" Megan asked about her sister.

"She is happy. She misses you so much but she is happy"

"How is her school treating her?" Megan asked as if she had missed years of her sister's life rather than a week.

"It is junior year. It is the same as it was last week when you were still here" Lynn laughed. Megan had always been close to her family. Even after having so many friends she never let her family get sidetracked. Family always came first.

"That is relieving to hear. I am getting late for class now. I will call you later?" Megan asked finishing her breakfast and putting away her trash.

"Sure, honey. All the best. I love you"

"I love you too" Megan sighed. After hanging up the call she walked to her class, American Literature, ten minutes early. Taking a campus tour the previous day had proven to be really helpful. English and Literature had been her passion since forever but she felt strongly attracted towards Math as well. After a lot of contemplation and discussions she had decided to pursue a Major in Math and a Minor in English.

As she put her head down awaiting her teacher's arrival she heard someone enter the class.

"I am sorry sir. I am late. I slept in" a deep voice said to the empty classroom.

Megan looked up and saw a pretty attractive guy standing there. He had blue eyes and dark hair that fell on his face. He had a couple of inches on her 5 feet 7 inches and seemed to have muscles even though he was lean.

"Eh? Where is everyone? Has the class already finished?" he looked around and seemed to then notice Megan.

"Its not time for the class yet. You are five minutes early" Megan found herself telling him.

"Early? I am early?" the guy seemed to lose his footing as if he had just received a massive shock.

"Yeah, do you feel sick? Do you want to sit?" Megan shot out of her seat and helped the guy sit.

"I am okay. I just am never early or even on time for a class. Ever" he said.

"Oh, okay" Megan mumbled laughing.

"By the way, I am Megan Blackwell" Megan smiled and put her hand forward.

"Zachary Rivers. But you can call me Zach," he shook her hand.

"So you are a freshman or..." Megan let the statement hang hoping he would catch on and he did.

"I am a junior majoring in History. Literature is an extra credit course," Zach explained.

Just then the students started coming in and Zach invited her to sit with him. Almost halfway into the introductory lecture Lucas sauntered in the class, glared at Zach and went to sit at the back of the class.

"You are late, Mr. Greyson," Mrs. Cooley said.

"It won't happen again," he icily replied.

"Overused statement, Mr. Greyson," Mrs. Cooley seemed unfazed by the ice in his voice.

"I said it won't happen again. Don't waste the class on my behalf, Mrs Cooley," he said in a controlled voice.

"Last time," the professor replied and resumed the lecture. The rest of the class went be smoothly and surprisingly Zach was silent through most of it. It almost seemed like he had fallen asleep.


Hey guys, please let me know how the story is coming through.

Ariana <3

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