Chapter 26

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Megan sat beside him and just wrapped her arms around him making Lucas bury his head into her hair. It would have been funny how Lucas was hunched over to let Megan comfort him but the situation was too painful to even smile.

"Why would he lie to me for so long?" Lucas rasped.

"I don't know, I really don't" Megan said. Lucas's sad voice was hurting her too much.

"He was always more of my kid than my brother. I am the one who raised him with mom even when I am only three years older than him. I became a father to him at seven and his wrong choices just prove how bad I was at it" he said and trembled.

"No, no Lucas. I am not going to let you blame yourself for something that is not your fault. His behavior is not a testimony of what you taught him. It's a testimony of what his understanding was. You couldn't have done anything wrong even at such a young age. You want to know how I am so sure about that? Because I have seen you. You were always yourself since the start, never fake, decent enough to warn me against Zach risking your friendship with him, rushing home for Daniel's sake and still being so strong. You are one of the strongest people I have met. So what if sometimes you may make wrong decisions or bad choices, we are all learning here. And honest to God, Luke you are not going to be depressed about yourself anymore because none of this is your fault"

"You called me Luke"


"You just called me Luke, I thought I was Lucas to you" he seemed heartbroken about this.

"It just came out, you will always be Lucas to me because Luke and Lucas are two different people, right?" Megan smiled trying to lift that frown off his face.

"Luke wouldn't cry, Luke wouldn't be so upset about this, Luke wouldn't have cared about his relationships, Luke would never be Lucas" she said honestly. She hated how people saw him as Luke but it also made her feel special. Only she got to see Lucas. He chose her to bare himself.

Lucas couldn't believe how understanding she was and how much faith she had in him. It just made him feel guilty. He had always called her names when Zach and Aaron had dated her. She was nothing like that. She was still here even after seeing his dysfunctional family, his breakdown and his messed up brother.

"You already knew about this, didn't you?" he asked her sitting straighter.

"Yes but I promise I gave Daniel one day to tell you himself otherwise I would have. He told me this last night" Megan said truthfully but panicking. What if he got angry?

"You gave him a deadline?" he said with a flat voice.

"Yeah, I am sorry Lucas. He wasn't listening to anything. Actually, I didn't even try to reason with him. I was so angry. He didn't plan on telling you all this himself, he wanted me to help him. I couldn't do that to you knowing how much he means to you" Megan rambled.

"He wasn't going to tell me?" Lucas's voice turned icy.

"He was. He just wanted me to help since he kind of got this idea in his head that I would be able to calm you down or something. He kind of had to tell you since he wants to get back with her and go to University together" Megan said in a rushed voice. Lucas wasn't showing any emotions and that scared her. It was like he had built his guard right back in a minute and shut her out. She wanted to tell him that she was not at fault, beg him to not be mad at him and help him to face this problem but he wasn't letting her. She didn't want to lose him. He was honestly the most real person she had seen in months.

"He wants to get back with her?" Lucas's voice turned so cold that he could have frozen Megan had she not been so distressed already.

"Yes, didn't he tell you?" Megan was confused. Lucas was just repeating what she was saying like a parrot. What had Daniel told him if not this?

"He just told me what had happened and then nothing. I can't believe he would do this to me. He would still withhold secrets" he said looking like he wanted to say more so Megan waited.

"Pack your bag, Megan. We are leaving in the evening. I am going out for sometime. I have to finish something and then I am done with this house and this city" she wasn't expecting this. They weren't scheduled to leave until the next evening. She had thought he would be angry at Daniel but everything would be okay but he was being so eerily calm that it scared her.

"Lucas... " but he stormed out before Megan could say 'wait'.

This was all so messed up. She had come here to help him with his family but had played a major role in causing a tiff between the brothers, separating him from his family and making him hate his hometown.

There was nothing else she could do now. She had done enough already. She decided to just abide to his wishes and pack her things. That's the least she could do to make him happy.


Lucas went to his father's office, Grayson Enterprises. The building made him nauseous. It revived his memories of being not good enough for his dad but this was something he had to do before he left the town for good. When Daniel had told him how he had lied to him for a whole year, it had broken his heart but then when he got to know that he had still withheld secrets, it felt like someone had ripped his heart out of him. Lucas couldn't get Daniel to trust him even after being there for him since forever. But this was not the time or the place to think about it because Lucas was not going to back away from his responsibilities. He had to help his mother with this even it meant talking to his father who had left him when he was seven.

He walked in the office and the receptionist stopped him.

"May I help you?" she asked.

"I have to see Thomas Grayson" he said.

"Mr. Grayson sees people by appointment only. I am sorry sir. You will have to take an appointment"

"Just call him and say Lucas Grayson is here and tell him it's urgent" the receptionist's eyes widened realizing she was talking to her boss's son.

"Yes, of course"

After talking on the phone for a minute she gave Lucas the green light to go up.

"Top floor, it's just his office"


Lucas was restless going up to his father's office. Seven years ago he had given up on trying to be the son his father wanted. His father had done a lot of wrong things in his life but Lucas hadn't given up on him until he had lit up his favorite novel because English is not something a business heir should pursue or even like. Lucas had just been fourteen. Fourteen is not an age for someone to get their dreams trampled upon. Fourteen is not the age for someone to feel that they are not good enough.

The elevator dinged, Lucas took a deep breath to clear his mind and entered the office.


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Adrianna <3

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