Chapter 31

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Megan entered the class and immediately tried to find Aaron. Fortunately, he had an empty seat beside him and she almost had to race with a guy to grab it.

"Hey" she said breathlessly plopping onto her seat but Aaron didn't reply.

"Aaron?" she said and put her hand on his shoulder.

"What? What Megan?" he whisper yelled shaking her hand off and she flinched at his cold eyes.

"Aaron, I am sorry that I was not able to speak to you for the past few days..." she dived right into the apology.

"Weeks. Several weeks" he corrected her.

"Past several weeks but I am really sorry. I don't have any excuse for my behavior and I know that you are mad and you have every right... " she said.

"I am not mad. I am very happy right now. I was mad at you, sure but I am happy now because Juliet is coming to visit today and I don't want you to ruin my mood" he said dismissively.

"Oh. Do you think you could meet me after she leaves. I would love to be your friend again, Aaron. Please?" she said. It was clear that he had no idea what Juliet was coming to tell him. She wanted him to see her as approachable if he needs help after seeing his sister.

"We will see about that" he said coldly.

"Thank you" she could not expect more. She had cut him off drastically from her life. She deserved his coldness.

The professor entered the class and started to teach.

"By the way I know about you and Lucas going to his home" he said when she got up to leave after the class ended.

"What? How? " she asked. No one knew ao how could Aaron know?

"Everyone knows. You feature quite a few spectacles around the campus" he said mockingly referring to the scene Lucas caused the previous night and she couldn't help but nod helplessly.

She decided to stay on her planned track and focus on her studies. She attended every class although she wanted to rush to her room to tend to Lucas. He was so sick but she knew he would be asleep then and she could do nothing with a sleeping man's illness.

After all her classes for her day finished, it was already five in the evening. Her classes had run late as compared to the usual. She drived back to her dorm building and ran to her room.

Lucas was sitting at her table looking at her sister's famed photograph that was kept on it.

"Hey, how are you?" she said entering the room and dropping her bag and keys on the bedside table. He set the frame back on the table on her hearing her.

"I am better after the medicine and the sleep. Thank you" he said sheepishly embarrassed that she had already seen him sick.

"I don't think you remember what you did the whole day but you told me in the morning that you have no job and no dorm to live in anymore. You weren't being truthful, right?"

"I was, of course. I quit my room last night. Zach... There is something terrible going on with him which he refused to tell me and he got physically violent with me and started giving me death threats. And he said some horrible things about you that were really uncalled for. By the way, I still have my job but I need a better one if I have to stay on my own" Lucas said.

"Lucas... " she started.

"No Meg, I know I made judgements about you but that was before I knew you and I gladly changed them the moment I knew you for what you actually are" Lucas said with finality. He was in no way demanding that she forgive him but he wasn't going to let her defend Zach.

"Listen to me, Lucas. I don't care right now what you or Zach had or had not said. I am focusing on the bigger and more important picture here, you have no place to stay. You can't stay here for more than a couple of days because the authorities will get to know and terminate my dorm facility too and I can't afford that. I am jobless so I have no money to get my own apartment. Also, you need a better job than your previous job that I had no idea about" she said accusingly.

"Yeah, it's a work from home kind of a thing. I edit stuff for this Publishing House. I never got around telling you" he said shrugging off the matter.

"I have never seen you work before. When do you even work?" she said annoyed at the fact that she didn't know anything about him and he didn't seem to be interested in telling her either. On one hand, he says that she was his only friend and on the other he shrugs off matters like his job that she has no clue about is important.

"You have seen me for one weekend, Megan" he says rolling his eyes.

"Fine, don't tell me. Back to the matter at hand, how will this work out? How will you find accomodation in a few days and a job as well and don't forget about the exams" she said. She won't ask him anything personal about him anymore until he tells her himself.

"Don't worry about anything, Megan. I will out of here in a few days I promise. I have a deposit of money, my own savings. I can manage a few months' rent with that and I will find a better job" he said seemingly relieved at her drop of the subject.

"Can I help you with anything? Finding apartments or a job?" she asked.

"You want to help me more? You are already keeping me here risking expulsion from the dorm facility. I can't ask you for more" he said.

He is right. Why should I help him more? I am already risking becoming homeless, Megan thought. She had decided, last night, to forgive him but how could she? He kept pulling stunts like these and she got caught in the crossfires.

"You sure?" she still asked.

"Yes, I am. I will just run through you my apartment and my job before I finalize them if that will be okay with you?" he asked in a way that tells her that her choice will actually finalize his and that warms her insides. This man was giving her a whiplash with all the mood swings.

"Of course. Now, lie back on the bed so I can check your temperature and nurse you back to health and then you can go on your apartment hunt" she sais lessening the tension in the room.


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Adrianna <3

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