Chapter 22

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Lucas went to Aaron's dorm after his time with Megan on the terrace. They had decided to leave for Lucas's home first thing the following morning.

"Aaron" Lucas banged on the door and a sleepy Aaron opened the door.

"Luke?" Aaron asked in a sleepy voice and Lucas punched him instantly.

"You bastard!" Lucas screamed and lunged at him.

"What is wrong with you?" Aaron asked after dodging Lucas. He was fully awake now.

"Your fucking sister happened"

"Juliet? What about her?" Aaron's voice shook with anger. How dare Lucas speak about her like that. He controlled his temper though. He had to know what it was about.

"She fucking called Daniel yesterday and he had a breakdown again because of that. Why can't your witch of a sister leave him alone? What does she want?"

"How dare you talk about her like that? Keep in mind Luke, had she decided to file a complaint against Daniel, which he deserved honestly, he would be behind the bars right now"

"You and I both know why she didn't file that complaint, Aaron. Medical tests would have proven Daniel's innocence and that wouldn't have been good for your and her relationship. Now, my brother has to suffer for your sister's twisted and scheming mind. He is not himself anymore while your sister is fucking enjoying her life"

"Shut the fuck up Luke. My baby sister had to suffer more than your brother. She lost a baby, Luke"

"I don't give a shit. At least she didn't lose herself" Luke screamed and started to walk out.

"Keep her away from him, Aaron. This is the last time I am saying this civilly" Luke warned and left.


The next morning, Megan and Lucas met at the University entrance and took a cab to the airport. Megan hadn't told Zach about this because she knew he didn't like Lucas at the moment. She knew Zach would be furious but she just couldn't leave Lucas alone when he was obviously hurting. She knew the worse thing to do was leave someone alone when they are vulnerable and she wasn't going to do that to anyone.

"Thank you for coming" Lucas said softly as if it strained him to say something nice to her. He had thought about it long last night and he deduced that Megan was actually selflessly doing this. He still didn't know why she would do this for a stranger though.

"It is okay. I didn't want to leave you alone when you are like this" Megan gave him a smile.

They boarded their flight after having coffee at Starbucks. She was reminded of the time with Aaron at the same place just a few weeks ago. Everything was different now.

After a few hours of flight they landed in Oakland. Both of them barely spoke anything during it being lost in their thoughts.

They hailed a cab to his house from the airport and reached there in an hour. His house was an old style two storeyed house with brick exterior. There was a chimney from which smoke was coming out since the weather was a bit cool. Unlike New York's biting cold, Oakland just had a cool breeze every now and then.

"Mom?" Lucas called out as they entered.

"Luke? Baby, is it you? Come on in" his mom called from a room.

"Megan, do you mind waiting in the kitchen for a few minutes so that I can go and assess the situation?"

"Go ahead, I understand. Just point out the kitchen to me"

"First door to the left in that corridor"

They smiled at each other and Megan started towards the kitchen. Lucas's house was gorgeous and warm and Megan had loved it instantly. It smelled of coffee and cinnamon, her two favorite things. She sat at the kitchen counter with a bottle of water that she took from the refrigerator. She thought about the whole situation between Daniel and Juliet and couldn't decide who was right. Both their siblings thought the world of them and although she was here with Lucas today but that was for him and not Daniel.

Thinking about the situation bit by bit, she spent half an hour and an exhausted Lucas entered the kitchen after that.

"Hey" he said running his hands through his hair.

"Hey, I hope you don't mind, I helped myself to a bottle of water" Megan said raising her empty bottle.

"That's okay. Mom will join us in minute. She is just giving Daniel his medicine" Lucas sighed.

"Is he okay?" Megan asked.

"He is not telling me what Juliet wanted when she called and that pisses me off"

"Give him time, Lucas. He needs support right now not questions"

"You are right but I am just so angry at her that I am taking it out on him"

"Calm down Lucas" Megan said and put her hand over his.

"Hey, you must be Megan. I am Nicole, his mother" a middle aged woman entering the kitchen said.

"Hi Nicole. I am Megan, Lucas's... " what should she say. They weren't friends but his mother would think bad if she said acquaintances because no acquaintances would travel across the country for each other.

"Friend" Lucas said ending her dilemma. He smiled at her. The exchange wasn't lost on Nicole who smiled looking at his son smiling.

"It is a pleasure to meet you" Nicole said hugging Megan.

"Same here" she said.

"Show her around the house and then to the guest room, Luke"

"Thank you, I would like that" Megan politely replied.

Lucas showed her around. It was a medium sized house with two levels. The kitchen, living room and den on the first and four rooms on the second.

"Your house is beautiful, Lucas" Megan exclaimed.

"Thank you"

"This is your room. Your en suite connects to mine. So, in simple words, we share a bathroom. I hope it is okay, it's just for two days"

"Yeah, it's okay. We will coordinate"

"I will leave you to get comfortable. Make yourself at home. Get some rest, then I will take you to Daniel. Okay?"

"Okay" she closed the door and sat on the bed to check her phone. Zach had called her a few times and left a few messages that got angrier one after the other. The last one sounded as if he wanted to kill her when he said that she was crossing every limit and that she should stop behaving like a narcissistic bitch.

Least to say, she was disappointed in Zach. To forget all about this, she decided to take a shower and sleep for an hour.


Hey, long time no see?

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