Chapter 19

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#435 in teen fiction. I am asking nicely for you to tell me what is going wrong. I don't want to drop 200 ranks in a day. That's insane. Please let me know.

After a lot of kissing and three hickeys on Megan's neck, she realized that they had to stop. It was going too far so she pushed him away and smiled.

"Let's go?" she said.

"I would rather stay" Zach groaned and swept his eyes over her again.

"I want to go. Please?" she tried her puppy face on him.

"Fine" he relented hesitantly.

Megan smiled and they walked to Zach's car. After tying a cloth around her eyes, he drove for about twenty minutes before helping her out of the car. Then he picked her up bridal style and started walking as Megan laughed. Zach's heart melted at the sound but he hardened it again for a reason that sounded foolish to him now.

"Are we there yet?" she asked because she felt like a fool clinging to him like a koala bear.

"Almost" he whispered in her ear and she shivered. He smiled at the reaction.

After five minutes of walking he settled her down and removed the blind fold. She opened her eyes slowly and Zach saw the moon shine in her eyes making her eyes glitter and appear silvery blue.

Her jaw formed an 'O' at the sight of the scene in front of her. They were at the terrace of the highest building in New York and the whole city was shining with lights all around. It was beautiful.

"This is the most beautiful thing I have ever beheld"

"I agree wholeheartedly" Zach replied.

Megan turned to him to see that he was looking at her and not the city so she blushed.

Zach cleared his throat and set out the blankets and food he had left here two hours earlier.

"No one has ever done anything remotely close to this for me" she told him with a hoarse voice as her throat choked with emotion.

"I tend to believe they are all blind" Zach said as if it is the most obvious thing to say and that he didn't just melt Megan into a pool of liquid by his words.

Megan smiled at him. Zach made her feel so special but she instantly scowled then. He was so moody. At one moment she felt like a princess and the other she felt like the moat unwanted person ever.

Zach turned to her after laying everything out and instantly noticed her scowl.

"What's wrong? You don't like this?" If she said no right now, he didn't know what he would do. He had used his parents' power to get the permission to have the day here and he could not bear for that effort to go to the bin.

"You can't be more wrong. I love this. I am just confused about what you want from me. You are hot and cold so fast that I fear I can't cope with it. One moment I get surprises like this and the other I get shocks like when you ignored me for ten days straight. I am just really lost about it" Megan said and Zach felt his anger rising. He didn't want her to bring that up. He took a cleansing deep breath and then smiled.

"There is nothing to be confused about. You deserve to be treated as a princess and I want to do this for as long as possible. As for what you said about me ignoring you, that was because I couldn't connect with what I was feeling for you" he didn't really lie. He was, in fact, having trouble with figuring out what he felt about her just not in the way she would assume by his tone of words.

Megan seemed to think about his words and then nodded as if saying that she accepted the reasoning.

"So, enough with this. Tell me about your weekend? About Aaron? Tell me everything I have missed"

So Megan did. Megan told him everything about her work, about her weekend, about Aaron except for the fact that they were kissing as well. She also omitted the part where Lucas and her had a conversation.

"Wow, so much has happened. College has changed your life, huh?"

"I could never agree with you more. College has been like a whirlwind to my life and I can't say right now if I am happy about how it is turning out. There is also the thing that I miss my barista friends. I haven't been to work for three days and I was unable to text them" she said and Zach smiled.

"Champagne?" Zach asked her after a few moments of silence.


He poured out the champagne that he had put in an ice box there and then served mac and cheese in paper plates with plastic forks.

"This is so cute" Megan gushed stepping onto a raised platform and sitting on the blanket that Zach spread there for them.

"Sparkling stars for my lady" Zach said winking at her.

"Thank you, sir" she played along.

There they sat for hours talking about everything and anything. They talked about their dreams, their families, their childhoods, their friends, and other spontaneous topics like trust, faith, love, heartbreak, sex and just everything. They never held back and if it had come to that, they would have spilled their secrets too.

"What's your favorite quote, you bookworm?" Zach asked Megan. Their used plates were kept aside hours ago and now they were cocooned with each other wrapped up in a blanket that Zach had brought to block out the cold.

"It's so difficult to pin point one, you know? I have so many words close to my heart and every single quote holds a meaning for me"

"Well, then tell me some? I will choose my favorite from your list. Sounds good?"

"Okay, so there is this quote from 'Of Mice and Men' that says, "Maybe everybody in the whole damn world is scared of each other." Then there are two from 'Anna Karenina'. One of them saying, "It's much better to do good in a way that no one knows anything about it." and the other says, "He looked at her as a man looks at a faded flower he has gathered, with difficulty recognizing in it the beauty for which he picked and ruined it." Then in 'Wuthering Heights' it says, "Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." There is this amazing quote in 'Pride and Prejudice' that reads, " To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love." In 'Possession' there is one saying, "I cannot let you burn me up, nor can I resist you. No mere human can stand in a fire and not be consumed." "The way her body existed only where he touched her. The rest of her was smoke." is a quote from The God of Small Things. And of course, "Always" from 'Harry Potter'. Well, these are some that come to my mind right now." Megan said and laughed embarassed at her rant.

"Don't be embarrassed. I loved every one of them but I think my favorite is the one from Aana Karenina that says something about the withered flower and of course the one from Pride and Prejudice. The one about dancing" Saying this Zach stood up and Megan looked at him curiously.

"Megan Blackwell, will you honor me with the pleasure of dancing with you?" Zach asked and offered her his hand making Megan's heart melt like butter at his insinuation from the quote.

"Yes" she breathed. They danced the remaining of the night to no music just their heartbeats.

Megan had finally gotten her dream date.


Those quotes are actually my favorite ones. How qas the chapter, anyway? How do you feel about Zach now?

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Adrianna <3

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