Chapter 15

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#190 in teen fiction?!?! Are you kidding me?


Love you <3

Lucas Grayson was anything but patient and this girl had tested his limits. He wanted to help her and she was nowhere to be found. Okay, she didn't know it was him calling or even the reason as to why he was calling, but it wasn't so difficult to be found when needed. Was it? It was as if she disappeared into thin air. She missed classes, something that she hadn't done even once since the beginning of the year. Yes, he noticed. It was hard not to notice her fake bubbly persona.

Where is she? Damn it!

Lucas punched the wall nearest to him and the wall developed a crack where he had punched. His hand stung but he barely gave it a second thought. Zach was also getting on his nerves, giving him the disappointed and angry glances everytime their eyes met. He had not come back to their room for five days now. He was overreacting. Why was he so angry? Why was he so determined to fuck up Megan's life? What was going on in his head? Lucas would never know.

Lucas's thoughts jumped back to Megan. That girl also had the nasty habit of not picking up her phone. How many times had he called her already? At least a fifty. And how many times had she bothered to pick up? Zero. Okay, considering the fact that it was an unknown number but how difficult was it to pick up a damn call. What if it was an emergency?

Another thought got into his head and he started wondering if she would even listen to him. What if she never believes whatever he tells her? She wasn't a big fan of him anyway and also liked Zach, he could tell. Would it help anyone if she knew what was happening when she won't even believe him? It would taint his image in front of her more. She would think he was making up stories. Should he even tell her now that he was sure she won't listen to anything he has to say?

Damn it! Fuck these thoughts! Fuck Zach! Fuck Megan!

He needed a break. He decided to fly back home for the weekend.

Home. Oakland, California.

Home where his mom is. Home where Daniel is. Home where he will be away from all the drama.

That night he took a flight back to his home. To find peace. To find solace.


Zach was pissed. It was as if anger was the only emotion he was able to feel during the past few days. Anger at Megan. Anger at Luke. Anger at Aaron. Anger at Tanya. Anger at his parents.

Megan had been MIA the whole day and Zach realized that a week was already wasted and he had not gone forward with her. Instead he had moved backwards. Then, Luke had the audacity to roll his eyes and scoff whenever Zach glared at him. Zach used to like Luke for everything that guy was made up of but now, suffice to say Zach had started to hate his guts. Choosing a barely known girl over him? That was an insult, Zach would never bear.

Aaron had left their project hanging and was nowhere to be found. Zach needed the grade that was due for the project. It was a damn big grade. Then, with Tanya was also missing, Zach had to go to Elaine to release his stress. Not that he did not like Elaine, it was just that she tended to be clingy.

Lastly, his parents were like a cherry on top of his phenomenal week. They wanted him home for dinner because they had to talk to him about 'something'. Well, Zach had no intentions of going willingly because he happened to know what that 'something' was. They were still going to try to persuade him to get into a law school. He did not want to go to a fucking law school. But he knew he had to attend the dinner so here he was getting ready for the torture that was sure to come that night.


Megan's mind had been conflicted with too many thoughts in her head. She had made an excuse of a severe headache to get Aaron and Kat to leave her alone so that she could think. But as soon as she had lain in her bed, sleep had come to her. And now, the thoughts had come back but she had decided to push them in the back of her mind and get ready for the dinner with her neighbors. She had borrowed a dress from Kat, it was a plain maroon dress with a belt around the waist that made it look classy yet dressy. She put on the necklace Aaron had given her that afternoon and wore black colored flats. Her hair was in a high ponytail and her face decorated with a touch of makeup. After looking at the mirror one more time she left her room to make her way to the living room.

On her way, she passed Aaron's room and knocked at his door.

"Come in" a muffled voice came from inside.

She entered to see Aaron putting on his shoes. He was dressed in a plain v-neck with a pair of jeans and his hair pushed back.

"You look gorgeous, Meg" Aaron complimented her pecking her on the lips making her uncomfortable instantly.

"You don't look so bad yourself" she returned the compliment a bit forcefully. Together they made their way to the living room where Kat, her mother, Kyle and a new guy, Steve, she assumed, waited. All the uncomfort flew out of the window instantly.

"You look mesmerizing, baby" her mother gushed making Megan redden.

"Thank you, mom. So do you" she told her and hugged her.

Next she went to Kyle and hugged him. Kyle had always been like a big brother to her. He was seven years and some months older than her and had always doted on her since the beginning. Kyle picked her up and twirled her around screaming her name.

"Happy Birthday, Meggie" Kyle said and Megan glared at him for using that nickname.

"Thank you" she said and gave him a look that said that they would catch up later.

She went to Steve next and waited for Kat to make the introductions.

"Megan, this is Steve, my boyfriend. Steve, this is Megan, my sister" Kat said.

"It is a pleasure to meet you" Steve said offering his hand to her and smiled a genuine smile. Megan scrutinized him closely. He was a decent looking guy but he was nowhere a match for her beautiful sister. She was shocked at herself for how shallow she was thinking. Judging someone by their looks? Really?

"Likewise" she said and smiled shaking his hand. Everyone in the room seemed to breathe out in relief after that. She had not known that everyone wanted her approval for Kat's choice.

"Before we get to dinner, I would like to introduce someone" Megan said walking towards Aaron who looked a little uncomfortable standing alone.

"This is Aaron Ross. He is my friend from NYU" Megan said gesturing to him and Kyle and Steve stepped forward to greet him. Kat wiggled her eyebrows at her and gave a questioning look and Megan rolled her eyes.

After the greetings, the family and friends went to sit on the table to eat. Megan was sitting in between Aaron and Kyle on one side. Her mother was sitting at the head of the table and Kat and Steve sat on the other side. Two chairs were still empty. Megan could have brought Dominic and Summer.


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Adrianna <3

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