Tunnel Vision

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I laid in my room staring at my blank ceiling. The closer i get to this something, my reality seems to fade. Like my life is a eternal high based off of possibilities; not like it isn't already. The more roads I cross, the more problems. I just want all of this to be over.

I scrolled through my TV channels waiting for a good show to watch. Suddenly my phone started to ring. "Hello?" I said sternly. "Hello, it's mommy remember?" She said softly. "Yes mommy?" I said in a draining tone. She began to sniffle through the phone grabbing my attention. "What's wrong?" I asked concerned. I've never seen or heard my mom cry before. Even if she constantly sides with my father, there isn't really a reason to hate her. I love my mom, forever and always.

Follow my pair of rules then we gon be ok. On the real i need a deal that's gon cooperate

"I don't know how you'll feel after i say this" she said preparing herself. "Come on mom I'm all ears". "Okay well your father and I had serious problems back from before you were even a baby. We always used to fight back then...He's.....He did abused me before and I just couldn't run away from it" she said starting to cry. "Oh my gosh mom, I'm so sorry" i said shook. "But, before you was born, back when Mason was 3 your father and I wasn't in the greatest space. Our love wasn't there. We were constantly fighting. He had gone out with this girl. Of course I went completely ballistic, I was outraged when I found out that he was cheating on me. So I caught him in the act and........" she said pausing. "And?".

All you niggas out here poison like snake venom

" I beat them both brutally. Ever since then I didn't hear a word from your father. That day I stood my ground and showed him that I am a boss too. But of course that wasn't the end of it. I found out that he was just completely in love with her and I was jealous. He kept on visiting and I couldn't pinpoint the reason why. I was..... crazily Furious. So one day I decided to follow her to see what exactly she's up to. It was about 2 o'clock in the morning and I got to my car and drove off. I found her on the highway coming from who knows where. Just the sight of her sent me to dark depths in which I thought I couldn't reach. So I was going to end it all. I swerved in front of her causing her to stop abruptly and roll into the adjacent forest. I killed her, but there was one thing that I didn't know. You were in the car. You were the reason why your father visited her so often. You ended up in the hospital in a coma for 2 years. The doctor had diagnosed you with retrograde amnesia, that's why you can't really remember anything before you were nine. Your father and I made-up and decided to make your life as perfect as possible and im so sorry that I couldn't do that. He treated you so badly. I wanted you to see a world where you belong. I'm sorry Karhé, I'm so.."

They don't like to see you winning

I ended the phone call abruptly. I stood by the edge of the bed rubbing my temples. My face started to swell the tears started to drip from my cheeks. She killed my mother. She's not my mom. She almost killed me. I began to cry even more remembering the times that I was tossed to the side. Remembering the times where I was treated differently. I was treated differently only because I wasn't truly their sibling. I wasn't sure if I should feel rage or sadness. Should I avenge or decay in the abyss.

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