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A breath of fresh air filled my lungs as i walked to work. The strong cold winds didn't seem to bother me much. The sky was dark and grey making the streets seem so bland and uniform. Fortunately, i just couldn't seem to feel that way. I feel great, actually. Walking into work i grabbed my apron and took the first customers order. Placing the paper on the kitchen counter i walked back to my special corner. For some reason i can't seem to remember what i did yesterday. It bothered me not knowing what i did but i didn't worry about it.

" Karhé" yelled a voice from the back. I quickly reached in the kitchen to meet my manager. I haven't seen him in forever. "I want you to take some time off. Karhé you have been with us for a while but i think it's time to let you go. I'm sorry but you're fired.After was informed about your inflammatory behavior towards a customer, i think you're just not fit any more." he said concerned. "Uh...um what?" I said completely flabbergasted. This is odd, I've never had this happened to me. "Hand me the apron" he said holding out his hand. I slowly took off my apron and handed it to him. This doesn't even make sense, but i chose not to fight back. It was time for a new job any way. But who spat nonsense in his ear? I dragged myself out the restaurant. Who did this? Before i could even come to some sort of lead i ran into the devil himself. My lovely father. "Hello Karhé, come with me" he said tilting his head towards his car. I followed him to his 2016 Rolls Royce Wraith.Sitting inside the car he coughed initiating the conversation.

"Karhé, words can not explain the amount of disappointment that i have towards you. You graduate early then choose not to continue your education. UNACCEPTABLE. Just to let you know because of that i can't even look at you the same. Are you even my daughter?" He said in disgust. "If you're gonna sit here telling me how much of a disgrace i am then by all means continue. But dad, or Dalton you have shown me how fake and disgusting our family can be. You're asking me to be something that i'm not. Whether you like it or not i am not gonna go anywhere instead i'm gonna build until one day you'll see my name everywhere" he scoffed at my comment. "You're a scum how the hell do you expect to get up here.Keep dreaming.You're a worthless piece of SHIT, we should've never had you" he said coldly. His words struck me causing me to go numb. "One last thing before i go, FUCK. YOU." I stated lifting my middle finger. I stormed out of his car angry that someone so cruel is even my father.

Storming down the sidewalk , tears started to burst from my face. "FUCK" i yelled out. My heart ached, his words hit me hard. Why today out of all the most days. The day i get fired is the day my dad tells me i'm a piece of shit. Why can't i be myself in peace? Why can't i prosper in wealth? Why can't someone love my pain away? Why?

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