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1 month later

I continued to scrub the counter, wiping away it's dirt.That same hand still throbs in pain. Lamar then suddenly came through the door. "Coffee per usual" i stated. "Yes please" he said licking his lips. I gave him his cup and sat in a stool in front of him. "What's going on" i said initiating a conversation. "Nothing really, but..." . "But?". "Somebody bought all my paintings for a couple figures" he said smiling. "REALLY? Oh gosh Lamar! That's great i'm really happy for you. I know how hard you've been working on them paintings"i stated. "I was wondering if we can celebrate tonight?" he asked. "Yeah sure! Anything for you" i said with a smile. "Now would be a good time to slide your phone number" he said sipping on his coffee. I rolled my eyes and placed my phone on the counter and he did the same. We both put in our numbers and examined each other before breaking into laughter.

Trailing back into my room, my phone started to vibrate. It's him.

Lameassnigga: Dress in something fancy. I'll be there bout 6:30

Me: Kk 

Is this a date? I laughed at the thought. Walking into my small closet i took out a black dress and the only pair of pumps i own.  Staring at the dress memories flashed across my mind. I was supposed to wear this to homecoming last year. The black dress had a thick fabric. It was 100% guaranteed this will hug her curves. It had a low back with a simple front. Stepping into the shower i quickly washed myself off with my dove soap. Even though the warm water felt soothing it was already 5:30 and i have to do my struggle makeup. I sighed deeply in the shower as i went over the extensive transformation that i have to undergo in less than an hour. I turned off the water and quickly headed out, drying myself. Hopping from one room to the next i gather my makeup bag and began to paint my face as carefully as i could. After i finished i realized it was 6:20. SHIT. I slid on my dress, slapped some cocoa butter on and fixed my hair. Laying my edges i left the rest of my curly locs free.


He's here. Shoving any mess under anything i reached for my door. Lamar looked breathtaking. His smooth caramel skin glistened and his outfit, clean and sharp. Everything on him was intensified down to his smell. He smelled incredible. One moment  felt like an eternity of me examining his sculpting features. He's a literal piece of art. My piece of art. Those green orbs stared into mine, trailing from my eyes down to my shoes. Licking his lips, his expression transformed into a more seductive stare.

Mind Sex

"You look amazing" he stated staring me down once again. "You clean up nicely as well" i stated. He gently gripped onto my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine leading me to his Lexus RC F. The whole car ride was just sharing stares at one another with our hands locked the whole time. While he was driving the area we entered seemed to be more familiar. We aren't in the ghetto no more. The bright lights disturbed my eyes but attracted me even more. New York City, the home of lights. We pulled up to this fancy restaurant. Taking in a deep breath i gathered myself and prepared for the failure i'll endure walking to the entrance. Getting out the car we both entered the restaurant and sat at a table.

Promise to love you

"An exclusive reservation?" i stated swirling my wine."Yeah, cuz you're exclusive" he said smiling

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