March Madness

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2 weeks later....

The warm sun replenished my skin as i thawed out by the pool. This is by far the best weather i've seen this year. The first week of March is doing me well. Laying back relaxing in the Sun my phone started to disturb my pre-existing blank thoughts. I looked over to my phone and saw no caller ID. That's strange. Answering the phone call by the sound of their breath a drool of negativity came over me.

"Hello?" A deep voice spoke. Contemplating their voice, options of who it might be ran through my mind. All but one person has a deep voice like this one. That's him, my older brother. "Yes, mason?" I said in a draining tone. " I think you should really consider what this family can offer. Stop acting like a low life. They gave you a chance to a better life, they are the reason why you are you. Wha de bomboclat a convince you to do what you have done, eh?" He said kissing his teeth through the phone. " I'm not going to go to school to continue going to school. Does that make sense to you Mason. But what really gets me is how are they going to pick on me asking me to go to school when you didn't even go to college" I said picking a fight. Silence filled the phone. " uno have nothing to say" I said pissed. " You're out here in these streets with no job, barely any money, and no family to run back to. Don't come crawling back when life gets hard and you realize the mistake that you made" he said ending the call.

'No job', how does he know that? Deeply entering that thought trailing back into my memories I've realized how often he appeared around my workplace. Was he behind me getting fired? I don't know. He was always near my workplace but not close enough to know where I was at. My eyebrows furrowed together trying to come to a conclusion. All of hell Is going to break loose if he even dared to influence my manager. It was a little odd that my dad showed up that day, too. That was the first time I've ever seen them in that area at all.

Our family lived in Queens but we didn't live in Queens long enough. We traveled a lot and spend most of our days in New York City rather than where our actual home was at.Looking back on the times i spent with my family, i remember the fun we used to have. Unfortunately, like every other family there is always a grey area. I love my family but they don't know me. They never acknowledged my potential. Growing up i realized I was treated indifferently in comparison to my siblings. Being the middle child has no perks, even if i looked a little different from the rest. Restricting every activity i practiced; i'm just glad that's over. Now i can do whatever i want, be whatever i want, and fully spread my wings.

I closed my eyes as the sun scored in my face. Releasing the tension in my muscles i could no longer feel the warmth from the sun, but there was no clouds. Opening my eyes, i jerked out of my chair at the sight of my best friend.

"Janessa!" i said squeezing her tight. She could barely speak a sentence as i squeezed the life out of her. Letting go of her she released a deep breath. "Finally, damn. I'm back" she said squeezing me with equal force.

What a time to be alive.....

KarhéDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora