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"So where da meal at?" she said searching. "Da who?" I said slightly giggling. "Gurl, you know who I'm talking bout. Let's go back to da crib" she grabbed my hand and lead us to my apartment.

I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling meanwhile, Janessa asks 100 questions. Releasing a deep sigh i gathered myself preparing to tell her everything. "Okay, okay. So Lamar...." I started. "AKA da meal" she said cutting me off. "Is my boyfriend, and we um..fucked" I said looking in her eyes. Her expression changed quickly into shock. Swiftly it transformed into a smirk, I already knew what was coming next. "He fucked good, huh?" she said eyeing me up. " i..I guess" i said slightly blushing. "Yee yee, dats why you got this whole new vibe to you. This new dick glow n shit" she said rubbing my arms. "Eh, no. More like a broke bitch glow. I got fired from my job and my family is trying to convince me to come back and go to school.My father popped up that same day I got fired" I said explaining. "SUS, what da hell? Your father was probably behind you getting fired that's why he showed up. He thought you might be desperate" she said. "That might be true, and right before you came mason called spewing all sorts of nonsense" I said rolling my eyes."It's okay gurl, I'm here now" she said flipping her hair.

Janessa is one hell of a friend. Honestly i wouldn't know what i would be without her. She was always there for me whenever my parents would lash out on me. She pushed my mind in the right direction and i can't thank her enough for that. Besides it's always fun hanging out with her ghetto ass.

"So this is him?" she pointing at my phone.The last thing i want to happen is for them to meet in person.I sighed releasing a nod. Therefore, I had to facetime him. Lawd. "So what is your intentions with my best friend?" she said with slight attitude. "I just wanna love her unconditionally" he said in a silky tone. I crawled in a corner as Janessa gave me 'that look'. The amount of teasing I'm about to receive, I shook my head at the thought of it. "Damn, you have a brother? Jk, anywho.....". She continued to babble to him about several other embarrassing moments of mine and my 'strange' habits. Even though OCD is not a strange habit. It's been at least an hour of straight heat in my face from the embarrassing stories she told, i can imagine what Lamar would say when i see him in person.

After the whole draining session with my best friend, she decided to leave and stay with her parents.To bad she's staying for only a day. That just shows you how important memorable moments are, because they can't always be made.

I stepped in my enclosed shower and started to bathe. Cold water started to hit my skin causing me to shiver. Bearing through the freezing water, i successfully finished showering. Wrapping a towel around my waist, i stood by the mirror and admired my features. I'm not cocky but i am beautiful. I stared at my light brown skin and the dark freeckles on my face. Slowly moving my eyes towards my lips. Soft, pink, and plump.I thought about the kiss i shared with Lamar and how great it felt. Grazing my fingers across my lips the memories flashed by. Starting to smile, i shaked myself out of my trance and began to lotion myself.

Memories are so important. Even when it seems like you have nothing, not even an identity, you have your memories to fallback on. They form you to be the truest version of yourself. I don't hate my memories, instead i appreciate them because they make me, me. Karhé Latoya Williams.

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