Fake Love

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The day had came abruptly. I stood in my stuffy bathroom with a towel wrapped tightly around my breast. Of course I'm rushing, Lamar was waiting in my living room streaming through the TV. I spilled my makeup across my bathroom counter and quickly did my face. Trying my best to carefully put my face together, I grabbed the dress from the hanger and zipped it on. It slightly squeezed my curves imprinting me in its fabric. Splattering the finishing touches on my face i looked twice in the mirror to make sure everything was okay. I quickly snatched the Eco styling gel and laid my edges. I put a little curl La La in my hair fluffed my curls a little bit and made my way out into the living room.

It was something about the way the day felt. It was like the beginning of something new. Something different. I don't know what's going to happen today and I don't know how I feel for all I can say is that I'm with the man that I love. That is what makes me happy.

During the car ride there my stomach started rumbled and turn bringing discomfort that I didn't plan for. On all the days my stomach decides to act up. Driving up to the banquet hall lights shined Heavenly on the building leaving it with a glamorous impression. It was a large Greek looking building. Plants filled the area making it even more angelic. Lamar and I walked in with our hands intertwined with each other. My heart raced as we reached near the entrance. What is his parents like? Will they like me? All I could wrap my mind around is the amount of anxiousness and discomfort that I'm feeling this very moment. As soon as we reached inside of the room I needed to use the restroom. "Hey Lamar I need to go use the bathroom I'll be right back, k." I said patting him on the shoulder. I quickly ran to the restroom and plopped my ass on a toilet.

The cool A/C rained over me sending chills down my arms. I shivered as i sat there on the toilet clutching my stomach. I must be constipated. Getting up from the toilet, I adjusted myself and walked out of the stall. Gripping onto the counter, I looked in the mirror and admired the bathroom taking my mind off of the pain. It was beautiful. Well drawn contemporary paintings filled the room. The stall doors were tall in a traditional red wood. Meanwhile the sinks were floating glass bowls with a plate of marble underneath them. My eyes drifted across the room taking a slight glance at my watch. Taking a double look, I stared at watch noticing the time. Shit. I've been in the bathroom for 45 minutes already.

Dashing out the bathroom, I entered the hall searching for Lamar. There was a variety of people who looked extremely wealthy. Wearing everything foreign and designer. So much for an anniversary party. If I wasn't mistaken this looked more like an auction than anything. Nothing in the room indicated any form of love. Odd enough Lamar stormed my way, snatching my hand walking out the building. My eyes bulged looking at him in confusion. Carrying me outside we entered the car in silence.

" So you're not going to tell me what happened?" I said with slight attitude. He released a deep sigh and looked at me with sorrow. " I just can't. My parents are completely different. They don't understand me. As much money they can give me they can never give me happiness only my real family can. So today he decided to pick a fight with me about my paintings knowing damn well how critical I am about them. The argument was so useless and draining. It's like his words drain the life out of me taking away my youth. I'm just tired with him today, I just need to go home and relax" he said shaking his head in agreement.

He's love like he never loved before. He cries like he never cried before. He hurts like it never ended. Why can't it just be all a dream.

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