Never Telling

Depuis le début

Kaydence's POV

"Son, what's going on? You don't even look like yourself. ." My mama touched the side of my face as she looked up at me. "I can see the hurt in your eyes so tell me, what is it?"

"Nothing ma. I just need for you to watch Karcyn for another day or two." I sighed. Anyone could look at me and tell that something was wrong but now wasn't the time to start talking.

"That's not a problem but why?"

"It's a long story. I'll tell you tomorrow."

"Kaydence. . you're making me worried but I'll leave it alone for now. How's Daniella?"

"Sh- she's fine." I cleared my throat as a knot formed in it. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm positive," I stood up with Karcyn in my embrace. I was missing her but daddy had business to handle. I kissed her a few times before kissing my mama once on the cheek and then giving Karcyn to her.

"I'll be back. ." I had only been here for fifteen minutes but I couldn't take this shit. I was about to haunt Shimmy's ass down and we were about to make a move. We were supposed to link today and ride over to the stash house but I didn't know how this shit would play out. I had a bad feeling that I would kill a few people but still end up not finding Daniella.

"Okay. I love you and be safe. Tell Dani that I said hello."


"Is this it?" Shimmy and I pulled up to a run-down house on the South side. I was throwing him a little lump some if he went through with what we had planned.

After breaking down what we were gonna do and telling him the truth about what had happened and led to this, he gave in and was up for it.

"Yeah. I think he keeps two or three young dudes in there but I'm not too sure." He informed me.

I was listening carefully to all of the key information that he was giving me as I loaded three pistols. I didn't think that I would need the machine gun for some little niggas, their aim probably wasn't even accurate.

"You know how to shoot a gun, right?" I asked him while handing him one. "Yeah, back in my day I used t-"

"Save it for later homie. . put this mask on." I handed him a mask as well, putting mine on afterwards.

Sirens rang and sounded as if they were coming in our direction. My windows were tinted so I was the least bit nervous.

"That's not a police is it?" Shimmy panicked, putting his gun under the seat. "Nah. That's a fire truck. Relax. . they can't see us in here."

Seconds later, a fire truck pulled up, barely hitting us in the back. Next, the paramedics came, got out and walked up to the stash house after the firefighters. My heart rate sped up and seeing Dontae appear on the porch made it worse. My trigger finger began itching and I couldn't believe what the fuck I was seeing.

The female paramedic was helping Daniella on to a stretcher, and no longer was I able to help myself. I took my mask off and hopped out of my car, rushing over to them.

"Yo! What the fuck!" Dani was covered in blood and hadn't even noticed me standing there. Dontae stood by her side and shared a few words with the EMS nurses. I ran up on him and when Daniella saw me, she broke down.

I wanted to murk Dontae but I needed to figure out what was going on with Daniella first. "Dani, baby, what's wrong? Why are you bleeding?" I started crying and didn't even know what the fuck was going on.

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