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Once all the food was gone, Jeremy forced Trevor to sit on the kitchen counter. He started pouring over Trevor's injuries, stitching the ones that needed it. Many patches and gauze pads later and Trevor's wounds were cleaned and covered. The two were now on Michael's couch deciding what to do. All of Michael's video games were shipped off to either the penthouse or Lindsay's house. Jeremy sat up rather quickly and shot a funny look towards Trevor, "Laser tag." Trevor's eyebrows scrunched together, "They don't have that here." Jeremy took out his phone, "It's really been a long time, Treyco." Trevor eyed Jeremy suspiciously as he typed up a text and stood up. Jeremy held a hand out to Trevor, who grabbed them hesitantly. Jeremy yanked him to his feet and pulled him to the door. "Easy J. I'm still hurt," Trevor winced and the sudden actions. "Oh sorry babe," Jeremy said as he let go of Trevor. "I didn't mean for you to let me go entirely," Trevor chuckled. Jeremy smiled and slipped his hand back into Trevor's.

Jeremy opened the door and let go of Trevor's hand to hold the door for him. Once the door was locked, their hands instantly clasped together again. "So what are we waiting for?" Trevor asked. "Give 'em a minute," Jeremy said. Almost a minute later, a car roared down the street and stopped in front of the house. The passenger's side window rolled down to reveal Gavin and his murderous smirk, "Get in." Jeremy opened the door for Trevor and slid in after him. Michael, who was in the driver's seat, pulled back onto the road. "How are you feeling?" Gavin directed to Trevor. "Better. Nothing major," Trevor replied. "Major brain damage," Jeremy huffed. Trevor elbowed him. Gavin chuckled and faced the front again. "You're a pain in the ass," Jeremy smirked. Trevor smirked back, "And you love it." "Hey none of that in my car," Michael spoke. Jeremy and Trevor turned to the front as Gavin turned on the radio.

Michael and Gavin got out of the car followed by Jeremy and Trevor. Gavin opened the door to the building and held it for everyone. There was almost no light coming into the large room. Trevor gripped Jeremy's hand a little tighter. Michael handed him a vest that was a bit heavier than a bulletproof one. Trevor shrugged it on as everyone else did. Gavin handed out plastic guns.Trevor felt better now that he realized this was actually laser tag. The lights came on, only glowing in small areas. "Michael and I are red. You two are blue," Gavin smirked before disappearing. Jeremy yanked Trevor behind a wall, "You've never played before right?" Trevor shook his head. "Stay with me," Jeremy literally rolled across the floor and hid behind another wall. Trevor went to follow, but Jeremy stopped him. He signalled that someone was to his right. Trevor use his combat knowledge to take them out. There was a squawk and a red light went off. "Michael my boi! Avenge me," Gavin chuckled. Trevor then snuck over next to his boyfriend. "Good job babe," Jeremy said, giving him a fist bump.

The three people remaining spent almost an hour sneaking around, dodging lasers. Trevor was running, his back to the open, trying to reach Jeremy. He heard a chuckle from behind him. "Trevor no!" Jeremy shouted. Trevor whipped around and was met by Michael. He pulled the trigger and Trevor's vest lit up blue. He fell dramatically as Jeremy came running over. Jeremy shot at Michael and cheered as his vest lit up red. Trevor jumped to his feet and was pulled into a hug by Jeremy, "We won!" Trevor smirked and watched Michael help Gavin up. They played a couple more rounds which left Michael and Gavin as the winners. Jeremy and Trevor had taken off their vests and tossed them to the ground. Trevor was aching all over but tried to hide it. "Hey Michael. Drop us off at the penthouse," Jeremy said when he noticed Trevor's mood change. Michael nodded and herded everyone to the car. "I'll get you some Tylenol or something when we get there," Jeremy flashed Trevor a smile. Trevor nodded and leaned on Jeremy's shoulder.

When they arrived, Trevor downed some medicine while Jeremy talked to Geoff. He eavesdropped on the conversation, knowing he was definitely going to be talked about. The voices were muffled by the thick down. "You were okay with helping us find him. What's the deal now?!" Jeremy's voice was dripping in anger. "I let you help him only because we needed Mason dead. I needed your help and he was your only motivation," Geoff sighed. "So you lied to me and used him as bait," Jeremy huffed. Trevor's chest was hurting again. "I only did it for your protection! He's a fucking traitor. He left us. He left you," Geoff tried to sound sincere. Trevor wanted to kick the door down and yell at Geoff. So he did just that. He broke open the door and stood there. No one has ever yelled at Geoff Ramsey in his own home. "Listen here. I don't like being degraded and used. I went back to Mason to keep him off of you. I went through days of torture to stop him from getting your information and this is the thank you I get? I took you for a better man, Ramsey. I guess I was dead wrong," Trevor rolled his eyes. Everyone was stopped in the hallway. Trevor had just yelled at their boss and everything was about to take a turn for the worst.

Jeremy looked scared. It was the first time he had ever seen Trevor shout with that much anger. He knew Geoff was going to kick Trevor out, ban him from this home. "You're right. You helped us," Geoff was looking at his desk. The entire crew almost lost it. The last person to yell at Geoff was Ray, and look where that got him. Jeremy stood up. "You deserve something Collins. A piece of the victory but you hurt one of us," Geoff glared up at Jeremy. "Geoff I'm fine... Really," Jeremy stiffened up. "Geoff," Jack interrupted. "Get out. All of you. Get the hell out," Geoff snapped. He turned to Jeremy, "Leave and take him with you." "Geoff come on man," Gavin leaned in the doorway. Geoff shot him a look. Gavin squawked and hid behind Michael. Michael rolled his eyes and dragged Gavin away. Jack brushed by Trevor and stood in front of Jeremy. Trevor shared a nervous glance with his boyfriend. "Geoff you're being irrational. These two are staying here and you need to be polite. Don't make me call Griffon," Jack crossed her arms. Geoff rolled his eyes, "Just get them out of my office." Jeremy and Trevor took the hint and snuck out.

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