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Gavin parked his car back into the garage and headed into the living room. Trevor wrapped his arm back around Jeremy's waist and headed for the elevator. "Are we going to tell them?" He asked the shorter man while leaning over to press a button on the elevator wall. They leaned against the back wall of the elevator. "I think they'll know already," Jeremy chuckled. Trevor smiled and planted a kiss on the top of Jeremy's head. The elevator doors opened and the boys walked into the penthouse. They were greeted by the crew lingering in the living room with smiles on their faces. Ryan was sitting on the couch with who must've been Ray. Geoff and Griffon were at the bar with Michael and Lindsay. Jack was with Caiti on the couch as well. Gavin was standing with Meg by the window. "Congrats you assholes," Michael nodded to them.

Trevor pulled Jeremy closer to him. "Looks like everybody has somebody now," Jeremy muttered,smiling up at Trevor. Trevor smiled back. Griffon cleared her throat and everyone turned to her, "We're not here for a 'Coming Home' party, though, guys. Someone from Trevor's old crew is still alive and they've got quite an army." Trevor's hand fell from Jeremy's side, "You're kidding me." "I'm afraid not," Geoff sighed." "We need all hands on deck," Michael spoke." "Ray's here to pair with you if need be," Ryan spoke to Jeremy. He nodded at Ray. Trevor stood their in shock. He never heard Ryan speak before. "Collins," Griffon called. Trevor's gaze darted over to her. "You're good at computers, right?" He nodded and Griffon smirked, "Good. Follow me everyone."

Griffon led the crew into a room, the "Heist Room", as the crew liked to call it. She had held the door for everyone and shut it behind herself. Trevor held onto Jeremy's hand. In the middle of the room was a large metal table that everyone gathered around. On the table were pictures, maps, and documents. The far wall in the room was covered by a whiteboard which Geoff was standing in front of, a marker in his hand. He turned around and started scribbling things down as Griffon spoke. "Listen closely cause I'm not gonna repeat myself," she started. That made everyone lean towards her and hush up. "Here's the plan:

This rival crew is having a masquerade party. We're going to need a few of you to pose as guards. The rest of us are going to slip in as guests and try and get some info. We keep a low profile until midnight. Our guards will keep every door locked. We have some extra men from another crew working inside to help with the doors. Trevor and Gavin are going to move in and shut off the security cameras, destroy the evidence. Gavin, you return to Meg in the ballroom and wait for further orders. Trevor, you find Jeremy and wait for Michael and Lindsay to cause a distraction before dragging the boss out to our car."

"Won't they check for weapons and such?" Lindsay asked. Griffon pointed at her, "Ryan and Ray come in when the security cameras are down and hand the weapons to our guards. Then you and Michael cause a scene. The guests will be too focused on what you are doing to see the boys come in with guns. Geoff will further explains your roles now." Everyone turned to Geoff now and watched him. He pointed to the board as he spoke, "Ryan, Ray, Gavin, Trevor, and Jeremy will pose as security. As Griff said, Ryan and Ray will get the weapons before Trevor and Gavin take out the cameras. Lindsay and Michael will cause the distraction. Gavin teams up with Meg as guests. Jack and Caiti will be waitresses and watch the boss. Griffon and I are also guests." "Let's move out," Ryan spoke up. "Limousines are waiting," Griffon smirked.

They all divided into two limousines in groups of six. Geoff, Griffon, Michael, Lindsay, Gavin and Meg took the first one. Jeremy, Trevor, Ryan, Ray, Jack, and Caiti took the other. The each put their earpieces in and turned them on. "There are masks on one of the seats," Griffon said through the earpieces. Everyone found the box and started putting on a mask that matched their attire. Jeremy squeezed Trevor's hand. Trevor was nervous. What if he couldn't get the cameras down? What if the other crew recognized him? He took deep breathes to calm his busy mind. Jeremy waved a hand in front of his face, "Earth to Trevor." Trevor blinked at Jeremy, "Sorry. Got lost in thought." Jeremy's lips curved into a smile, "You're gonna do great, babe. We'll be fine." Trevor nodded and Jeremy leaned his head on his boyfriend's shoulder.

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