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Jack and Jeremy drove over to the mountain and looked around. Jeremy was watching more than Jack since she was driving. "Wait, wait. I see it. Send our location to Geoff," Jack slowed the car down. Jeremy texted their location to Geoff as the car stopped moving. "They really have that place guarded," Jack leaned towards the window to look at the building. "He's probably in there right now," Jeremy sighed. "We'll get him out soon enough," Jack gave him a faint smile. "He's such an idiot," Jeremy muttered under his breath. "Why did he leave?" Jack asked, pulling the car onto the road again. "Said he wanted to keep me safe," Jeremy explained. Jack started back home, "How romantic." Jeremy's phone buzzed so he checked it, "It's a text from Geoff. 'The girls are over. Plan in place. Get back ASAP.'" Jack nodded and sped up. "We need to get someone from the inside to take out Mason. Get some info to Trevor," Jeremy exclaimed.

Three days had gone by. Trevor was running out of clean skin now. Mason had tried everything on him, but somehow Trevor managed to shut up and power through it. His brain was fried and any plan of taking Mason down had melted with it. He was surprised that his body was still physically here. Mason had deprived him of food and water and kept him locked in the basement now. Trevor felt like the pathetic fifteen year old again. The door to the basement opened and he braced himself for Mason's anger. Much to his surprise, a lady walked in. She had long brown hair and purple rimmed glasses. The white tank-top she was wearing had blood splatter on it. Her black jeans were ripped. She handed Trevor a note and headed for the door. Trevor read the note. He smiled at the site of Jeremy's chicken scratch handwriting, "Distract Mason. We're coming." The basement door opened and Mason came to view, slamming the door and locking it behind himself.

"You were talking to them weren't you?!" Mason shouted over the gunshots that had started up. Trevor used the wall behind him to stand. He saw a knife on the table next to his left and he grabbed it. Mason jumped at him trying to rip the knife from his grip. Trevor was struggling to protect himself. His hand slipped from Mason's grip. The blade accidentally slid across Mason's throat. Mason let go of Trevor and choked as he fell back. Trevor's eyes went wide as he dropped the knife. The door blew open and Trevor covered his face. "Trevor! Oh my god," Jeremy shouted. Trevor uncovered his face. His knees decided to give out just as Jeremy was able to catch him. Jeremy snaked an arm around his waist to keep him steady. He used his other hand to examine Trevor's face, "Can you walk?" Trevor shook his head. Jeremy nodded and lifted him up bridal style, carrying him of out the basement. Trevor could see the crew, his crew, standing over dead bodies. "Where's Mason?" Geoff called. "Dead," Jeremy answered. He carried Trevor to Michael's car.

Michael was in the driver's seat. Jeremy sat in the back and laid Trevor across the seat. Michael hauled ass back to one of his houses. Jeremy pet Trevor's messy hair. He had passed out from shock a while ago. "Is he okay?" Michael asked. "Just a couple flesh wounds hopefully," Jeremy answered, "He just needs to eat and rest on a bed." Michael hummed in agreement. "I walked in there and Mason was on the ground. His throat was slit," Jeremy explained. "Good. Now he can't hurt anyone else," Michael changed the mood, "There's a patch kit back there." Jeremy searched for it and found it under the seat. He started to patch Trevor up wherever he could see. Michael pulled into the driveway and stopped the car, "Need help carrying him?" "I got it," Jeremy said bluntly. Michael opened the car door and front door for him anyways.

Jeremy laid Trevor down on the couch. "I'm staying with Lindsay. You two alright here alone?" Michael peeked into the living room. Jeremy nodded. Michael disappeared from view, "My car's in the garage, key's on the hook. Don't break anything." Jeremy walked Michael to the door, "I won't. Thanks Michael." "No problem Lil J," Michael closed the door behind him. Jeremy immediately went into the kitchen. He wanted to make something for Trevor to eat, but Michael literally had nothing in the cabinets or fridge. Jeremy sighed, "Dammit Michael." Jeremy decided on going to get something now. He scribbled a note to Trevor in case he woke up and grabbed the keys to Michael's car as well as some cash. Then he left the house and headed for the nearest fast food place.

Trevor woke up shortly after Jeremy left. He was confused as to where he was. Carefully getting up, he winced at the pain over his body. Trevor searched the house and found a note in the kitchen in Jeremy's scratchy handwriting. 'Be back soon, went for food.' Trevor tossed the note and sat down on the couch again. Just as he sat down, the front door creaked open. Trevor jumped to his feet and leaned against the doorway into the kitchen. Jeremy was placing bags on the counter. "Smells so good," Trevor blurted out. Jeremy cracked a smile and turned around. Trevor pulled him into a fragile hug until Jeremy pulled away, "What the actual fuck were you expecting out of your dumb stunt?" Trevor just rested their forehead together, "I didn't want him to hurt you." "So you let him hurt you instead," Jeremy leaned back and looked at Trevor, who just shrugged. Jeremy let go of Trevor and started to hand him food. Trevor didn't hesitate to start eating.

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