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The crew, geared up and guns ready to fire, discretely made their way to the Maze Bank right after closing. Jeremy, sniper rifle in position, laid on his stomach on a roof across the street from the bank. His job was to keep watch from above. Ryan was somewhere hiding, but was ready as a getaway. Geoff and Jack went in the building with Michael and Gavin. Gavin stayed by the doors, ready to shoot. Michael placed a sticky bomb onto the door of the safe. Once he took cover, he blew the door off it's hinges. Alarms went off as Geoff and Jack rushed to stuff the money in their duffle bags. Jeremy's eyes widen at what he saw through the scope, "You guys got some trouble coming!" "Shit! Already?" Geoff shouted. One shot, two shots, then three. Gavin stepped back as the third body fell. "Get the hell out of there!" Jeremy shouted into the earpiece. He took out cops as Jack, Geoff, Michael, and Gavin headed for Ryan and the car.

Once they were safely in the car and driving off, Jeremy got to his feet and slung the rifle over his shoulder and headed for the escape ladder he planted. Once he was at the bottom, he rushed for his motorcycle. As he was running, a cop came out of nowhere. One shot. Jeremy's left shoulder was bleeding as he whipped out a pistol. A second shot. The cop fell to the ground. Jeremy kept running. He made it to his motorcycle and started to drive. He steered with his left hand and used his right hand to put pressure on his shoulder wound. He headed for the penthouse, ignoring the blaring sirens giving him a heavy headache.

It's just a flesh wound, Jeremy kept repeating to himself as his head started to get cloudy. He just had one mile left to reach the penthouse. One fucking mile, he thought. Once he saw the building in view, he sped up. He pulled into the driveway recklessly just seconds after the rest of the crew. Jack got out of the car and walked over to Jeremy, "You're bleeding." "Flesh wound," Jeremy joked. None of the crew liked to admit when they had been shot, especially if it was somewhere stupid like the shoulder. "Let's go get you fixed up," Geoff said to Jeremy as he came around to his other side. Geoff and Jack helped carry Jeremy up to the penthouse. They forced Michael to put Jeremy's bike away and made Gavin carry Jeremy's guns up.

Patching up the bullet wound in Jeremy's shoulder only took a couple of minutes for Jack. She was experienced in these situations. "Your shoulder needs time to heal so no more heists for a couple of weeks," Jack's voice came out like a mother grounding her son. Jeremy sighed and fixed his shirt, "Alright, mom." Once Jack was done, they met up with everyone in the kitchen. Well not everyone, Michael and Gavin were playing a video game, calling for Jeremy to join. Geoff called for a couple of pizzas and two sodas. The crew devoured the pizza as soon as it arrived, filling themselves to the point of laziness.

It was edging the following morning. The crew had fallen asleep. Some in their beds, some on the couches. It was nearing three in the morning, the sun not even showing yet. There was a knock on the front door. It was quiet, but loud enough to wake Geoff and Jack out of a deep sleep on the couch. They shared a confused look before grabbing two guns from under the couch. They got up and walked towards the door, careful not to make an noise as they loaded their guns. The rest of the crew came out of their rooms. They had their guns ready or some other sort of weapon in hand.

Geoff cautiously approached the door. Jack stayed behind him, her gun ready. Geoff opened the door just a crack. Much to his surprise, the person on the other side wasn't armed, but harmed. It was a scratched up guy with messy, jet black hair, clinging to the doorway for support. Geoff kept his gun in his hand behind the door, "Are you lost, kid?" The guy shook his head and mustered up words, "You're Geoff Ramsey, right?" Geoff tightened his grip on the gun, "Who's asking?" The guy looked at Geoff in the eyes, "Trevor. Trevor Collins." There was a gasp from the living room, making everyone turn their heads.

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