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The two ended up watching a movie. They even got the cake out on time and ate a couple of pieces during the movie. Trevor had started to fall asleep, his head resting on Jeremy's good shoulder. Jeremy tried not to wake Trevor, knowing he probably hasn't slept in a long time. The movie was only half over and it didn't interest Jeremy in the least bit. He was now starting to fall asleep himself as he rested his head on Trevor's. Jeremy hasn't gotten much sleep either and hell, they both needed this. Jeremy found himself closing his eyes soon after the thought.

Jeremy's phone rang and yanked both of them awake. Jeremy groaned as he answered it. Trevor looked at his feet. The other line was filled with distant shouting and the sound of cars blazing away. "Gavin's hurt. Nothing major, but he might have an internal bleed in his side," Geoff shouted over the background noise. Jeremy's eyes widened a he shot up to his feet, "What the hell happened?!" Michael was the one to speak now, "He got shot while searching the building and goofing off. We took everyone out and we're coming back now." Jeremy didn't allow himself to relax as Michael hung up the phone.

Jeremy told Trevor what Michael said. Trevor kept muttering how it was all his fault and wouldn't look up and Jeremy. "Trev.. Trevor stop it. Look at me," Jeremy demanded. Trevor slowly looked up at Jeremy, but didn't look him in the eyes. Jeremy put his hands on Trevor's cheeks, making Trevor look him in the eyes, "It's not your fault." "If I didn't come here, none of your crew would be hurt. I should've just stayed with Mason. I came here and ruined everth-" Trevor was interrupted by Jeremy pressing his lips to Trevor's. Trevor was startled by the sudden kiss, but closed his eyes and moved his hands up to Jeremy's waist.

After a few seconds, Trevor and Jeremy pulled away from each other, faces flushed cherry red. Jeremy ran a hand through his own short hair and looked down, "Sorry I... I don't know why I did that. I-" "I liked it," Trevor blurted out. Jeremy looked up at Trevor, "Really? Cause I totally get it if you're lying." Trevor pecked Jeremy on the cheek as an answer. Jeremy just blushed a brighter red. "I knew it!" Michael came out of nowhere with a smirk on his face. Trevor blushed more and Jeremy just flipped Michael off. Jack walked up next to Michael and elbowed him in the side. Michael rolled his eyes and went off to his room. Jack walked past the two, patting Jeremy's shoulder and giving him a smile.

Ryan walked to his room, quiet as usual. Geoff though, stopped in front of the two lovebirds on the couch, "Gavin's staying at Caleb's for the night and Lindsay might stop by. We did take out the group so you don't have to worry anymore, Trevor." Trevor's shoulders felt lighter, "Thanks, boss. Sorry about what happened with Gavin." Geoff patted Trevor on the shoulder, "It's not your fault, kid." "They never had good timing," Jeremy muttered under his breath. He cursed this crew for ruining his moment with Trevor. Mostly Michael as he was the one who said anything in the first place.

Over the next two weeks, Trevor and Jeremy got caught up on everything they had missed in the past ten years. Trevor opened up more about what happened to him. The two even shared a bedroom, seeing as the Fake's only spare rooms were storage or off limits. Jeremy politely let Trevor sleep on the bed while he slept on a blow-up mattress on the floor. Jeremy's bed was big enough for the both of them, however. He just felt as though Trevor still needed his space to get used to all these new things.

Time Bomb // FAHC! Treremy Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt