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"Wait Geoff," Jeremy stumbled out of the bedroom and into the hallway. Geoff stopped and turned around, "Yeah?" "I want to find him," Jeremy sighed out and stared at his bandaged hands. Geoff nodded, "It's going to be a lengthy process." "I don't care," Jeremy shrugged. "Alright kid," Geoff dared to flash Jeremy a smile, "Now go eat... and fix those bandages. It'll get infected." Jeremy looked up at Geoff, who had already left view by now. Jeremy just went out into the living room. Everyone stopped and stared at Jeremy. He ignored them and stepped into the kitchen, grabbing a granola bar and biting into it, "What are idiots staring at?" Everyone just turned away. Jeremy scoffed and finished the granola bar before heading for his room again. He sat down on the bed and stared at his dresser. It was covered with a mess of jewelry, weapons, and other things. There were a few old pictures taped to the mirror, some of the crew, others of him and Trevor. One picture of the two caught Jeremy's eye.

Jared left Trevor in front of Mason's 'office'. Trevor walked inside and shut the door. "You're late," Mason snapped. "Listen kid. I'm not gonna treat ya like some fucking king alright? I'm the king around here and you listen to me, got it?" Mason growled. "Sure yeah. Whatever works for your highness," Trevor dared to laugh. "That's the kind of disrespect that got you hurt in the first place Collins," Mason narrowed his eyes. "I'm twenty-five now. I'm not afraid of you," Trevor scoffed. Suddenly Mason was holding a blade to his neck, "Why don't we test that?" Trevor stopped slouching and grabbed Mason's arm, "Why don't we." Mason snapped his fingers and two buff men appeared. "Long time no see boys," Trevor smirked. The men grabbed Trevor under his arms. "Hey, hey. Watch it. I'm slender," Trevor winced. The men just dragged Trevor out of the room and down a flight of stairs. "Tie him up," Mason boomed from the top of the stairs. One of the men threw Trevor into a chair while the other tied him to it.

Jeremy got up and tore the picture off of the mirror. It was off him and Trevor near Chiliad during a race they were doing. There was a building in the background with the bottom floor windows covered by metal sheets. Jeremy tried to remember that moment prior to the picture.Trevor was scared of that building but wouldn't say why. Jeremy thought for a moment, examining the picture to the best of his ability. His eyes widen when the thought clicked. He stormed out of the bedroom and down the hall. He ran right into Ryan, "Shit sorry man." "It's fine," Ryan shrugged. "Have you seen Geoff?" Jeremy asked. "Check his office," Ryan nodded down the hallway. Jeremy thanked him before bolting into Geoff's office. Geoff looked at him like he was a madman. Jeremy slapped the photo down on Geoff's desk, "I know where Trevor is."
Mason brought a vicious hand to Trevor's cheek leaving a burning red mark. "I cannot believe you would waltz in here and expect anything," Mason faced his back to Trevor. Trevor's breathing was nowhere near normal and his face hurt like hell. Mason was trying to beat information about the Fake AH Crew out of Trevor, but Trevor knew how to keep his mouth shut. "Oh how I missed you Collins. Always so stubborn. Now tell me where Ramsey keeps his money safe," Mason turned around with a glimmering knife in his hands. Trevor just scoffed and stared at Mason. Mason stepped closer and held the knife to Trevor's already bruising cheek. "Don't make me use this." "Try me," Trevor spit at him. Mason let out a sigh and dragged the knife across Trevor's cheek. Trevor hissed at the pain and narrowed his eyes. "You're pathetic," Mason groaned. "Thanks. I get it from my mother, the lady you murdered," Trevor snapped.

A fist collided with Trevor's jaw. "Stubborn mule!" Mason shouted, "Untie him. He needs some time to think." Mason stormed out of the basement. Trevor stayed quiet as the two buff men untied him and dragged him back to his room. His legs were weak as he was pulled up the stairs. Mason sure did a number on him this time. Trevor was tossed to the floor and the door was slammed behind him. He gripped his side and leaned against the wall. No light was peering through the window. Trevor groaned at the fact he had been kept down there, beaten and bruised by Mason, for an entire day. "Just a few more days and I can take him," he muttered. Trevor made no effort to leave that uncomfortable spot against the wall. His mind was way too flooded to allow him to function right.

Jeremy made himself comfortable in the chair across from Geoff, who was studying the picture. "Where was this taken?" He asked Jeremy. "Near Chiliad," Jeremy replied. Geoff put the picture down, "Once we find this place, you know we can't just head in with guns blazin' right? We need a plan." Jeremy nodded, "I know. I just thought you could use that." Geoff gave a small smile, "I'll send Jack out to find the place." "I want to go," Jeremy ruffled his own hair. "Don't do anything stupid," Geoff handed the picture back to Jeremy. Jeremy nodded and went to find Jack. She was relaxing on the sofa. "Geoff wants us to go out and find this building," Jeremy handed the picture to her. "That'c Chiliad in the background, right?" She asked. Jeremy nodded. "Let's go them. We can get food while we're at it," Jack gave the picture back and stood up, "We can take my car." "Sounds good," Jeremy smiled and followed Jack to the garage.

Time Bomb // FAHC! Treremy Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora