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Jeremy had dragged Trevor up two flights of stairs before they stopped at a metal door. "Are you taking me to the roof to kill me?" Trevor joked and removed his hand from Jeremy's grip. "Just shut up and go out the door," Jeremy said while opening the door. Trevor stepped out cautiously, but was taken back by the view. They were indeed on the roof. A small garden covering most of the roof. There was a bench near the edge, safely overlooking the city. Jeremy closed the door and walked over to the bench. He sat down without a word. Trevor sat down next to him and placed his hand right next to Jeremy's.

"It's funny how such an ugly city can look so beautiful from above," Jeremy noted, his eyes glued to the city below. Trevor wasn't looking at the city, however. He was staring at the purple haired man sitting next to him. "Remember when we blew up that boat and I had to drag you out of the water?" Trevor blurted out. Jeremy chuckled, "Yeah. I got saltwater in my eyes and I couldn't see." Trevor smiled and looked at the city now. "It's been ten years, Trev. Ten years. I can't imagine what you went through," Jeremy looked at his feet. Trevor looked at his own feet, "You don't want to imagine it." Jeremy slid his hand over Trevor's while the two sat in silence for a while.

After an hour or two, Trevor and Jeremy went back into the penthouse. The crew was gearing up. "Uh... What's going on?" Jeremy asked, staring at Geoff who was loading a pistol. "We got some intel on that group and we're going to take them out," Gavin answered Jeremy's question. "Alright. Give me two minutes and I'll be ready," Jeremy said, turning on his heel. Jack grabbed Jeremy's good shoulder, "Sorry kiddo. You're staring here with Trevor. Both of your wounds need time to heal." Jeremy sighed and nodded. He and Trevor watched as the crew finished getting ready and walked out the door.

"Jack has some recipes for cake," Jeremy blurted out. Trevor tilted his head slightly, "What does that have to do with anything?" Jeremy shrugged, "Thought we could bake to pass the time." Trevor shrugged and cracked a smile, "You always came up with the weirdest time-passers." Jeremy smirked, "It's what I do best." Trevor just rolled his eyes and followed Jeremy into the kitchen. Jeremy handed Trevor a slip of paper and pointed to the ingredients listed. Trevor read them off as Jeremy searched for them, occasionally catching glances of the shorter man. Trevor was doubling checking all the ingredients while Jeremy took out the baking utensils. "You forgot the flour," Trevor exclaimed. "Actually, the flour is on you," Jeremy smirked. Trevor gave him a questioned look, "What do you m-" Before he could finish, Jeremy had dumped a handful of the white flour all over him.

A long while later, the cake had made it on the oven, but the floor and their shirts were covered in most of the dry ingredients. "You can go change and I'll clean up. Just borrow a shirt from Gavin or something," Jeremy pointed a thumb towards the hallway. "You sure you don't want some help cleaning?" Trevor asked Jeremy who just nodded and started to clean. Trevor searched for Gavin's room, having little to no issue finding it. (There was a giant Union Jack sticker painted on it.) He stepped inside and rummaged through his drawers until he found a black t-shirt that looked misplaced with all of the button-ups and bright colored shirts. He snuck into a bathroom in the hallway and used a damp towel to clean the cake mix off his skin first, accidentally leaving the door cracked.

Jeremy finished cleaning and went to check on Trevor. He found the taller man in the hallway bathroom, back to the door, tugging a dirty shirt off. His back was absolutely covered in scars, some old, most new. Jeremy didn't realize that he had gasped out loud until Trevor whipped around with wide eyes. His chest was covered in even more scars. Jeremy's hands shot up to cover his own mouth as Trevor backed into the wall. Jeremy's eyes filled with worry. Trevor quickly pulled on the clean shirt he borrowed and dug his nails into his palms. He was almost drawing blood. "Trevor I..." Jeremy's voice trailed off. Trevor tried to push past Jeremy. He was stopped when Jeremy grabbed his arm and pulled him into a tight hug, "I shouldn't have let you go in alone back then."

Time Bomb // FAHC! Treremy Where stories live. Discover now