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The crew had cautiously moved into the building. Of course, the ones posing as guards stayed behind. It was nearing eleven now. Trevor, Jeremy, Gavin, and Ray took out the four guards by the main entrance and hid the bodies quickly. Ryan came in and gave the guys their guns. Jeremy pressed a finger against his earpiece, "Guards in place." Gavin copied Jeremy's hand movement, "Moving in now." Trevor followed Gavin as he was the one who mapped the way. There were two guards in the security room. Trevor snapped their necks and shuttered as he pulled them into a supply closet. Gavin stood by the door, gun in hand, "I'll guard the door. You get to work." Trevor nodded and took note of how serious Gavin could get outside of the penthouse.

Trevor put his gun in the holster around his waist and started messing around with the keypad. He typed in a bunch of codes and smirked once the screens of all the monitors went black. "Let's move out," he said, pulling his gun back out. Gavin led him back to the other. Gavin handed him gun to Ryan and stepped aside to switch into attire for the party before going off to find Meg. Ray and Ryan kept guard as Jeremy and Trevor watched the clock. Trevor's breathing was fast and shallow. What if Jeremy gets hurt? "Babe, we have to move," Jeremy tugged at his boyfriend's sleeve. Trevor nodded and they holstered their guns before walking into the ballroom.

They spotted Geoff and Griffon and discretely slipped them two guns. The clock hit midnight and Lindsay fell back into Michael's arms with her eyes closed. "I need some help over here," Michael shouted. Jeremy and Trevor scanned the room for the rival boss and went over to him. They grabbed his arms. "Sir, we need to get you somewhere safe. We've got word of a bomb threat," Trevor spoke, purposely making his voice deep. Jeremy almost melted at his voice, but kept his cool, "There is a limo waiting for you outback." The leader nodded and followed the too without a word. Trevor was getting anxious again. The two shoved the leader into a limo and handcuffed him. Trevor pushed on his earpiece and spoke, watching as the leader's eyes went wide, "Target acquired. Move out."

"There is no threat, is there?" The leader asked, his voice flat. "Ding, ding, ding," Jeremy said sarcastically. "Sorry Mason," Trevor said, his voice also sarcastic. Trevor looked at Jeremy, eyes full of panic. The door to the limousine swung open and the rest of the FAHC slipped inside. The girls from Griffon's crew took the other limousine to go back to their base. Michael got in the driver's seat. Gavin got in the passenger's seat. "Looks like you aren't getting anywhere, Mason," Geoff growled. Everyone removed their masks. Trevor was reluctant to remove his. Mason smirked at the sight, "Oh right! Collins. I almost didn't recognize your voice without all the shrill screaming." Trevor looked at his lap, trying to keep his breathing to stay normal. He did not want to have a panic attack right now.

"I cannot believe that you would rat me out," Mason said, his words melting with anger. "What you were doing was cruel and disgusting," Jack spat at him. "Oh, but was it really? Collins here never misbehaved," Mason chuckled. Trevor lost all feeling of safety, no matter the fact that Mason was handcuffed. Jeremy leaned towards Mason, squeezing his own hand into a fist. "You must be Jeremy. I heard him begging for you in his sleep. It was so awful that I almost cut out his tongue," Mason rolled his eyes. Jeremy swung his fist right into Mason's jaw, knocking him out cold. His knuckles started to bruise. The crew went wide-eyed as Jeremy shook his hand to ignore the pain. He stared at everyone and held his hand close to his chest, "What? He was getting on my nerves."

Ryan and Geoff dragged the unconscious body into an armored vehicle. They were going to take Mason to one of their remote warehouses. Jack tagged along with Geoff and Ryan while Ray went back to his own apartment. Michael and Gavin went to get cleaned up before deciding to play video games. Jeremy went to fix his hand and Trevor went straight up to the roof. He sat down on the lonely bench and rested his head in his hands. Trevor had shot out the memories of the torture he endured with Mason, but know that he had been so close to him again, everything was flooding his unstable mind. Trevor's eyes got watery and his cheeks got hot. He didn't feel safe anymore, and if he wasn't safe, then this crew weren't either. Someone was going to get hurt and it was all his fault. Trevor thought that if he would've just shut up and take what Mason put at him, Jeremy wouldn't be in the line of danger. Trevor needed to leave. To let Mason go and agree to leave with him. He could keep Jeremy safe.

Time Bomb // FAHC! Treremy Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum