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Jeremy and Trevor were playing video games on the couch with Michael and Gavin. Geoff and Jack came in, geared up and guns ready. "Get ready guys. We need all hands on deck," Jack said, peering at Trevor and Jeremy. "What's happening?" Gavin questioned Jack. "We'll tell you on the way," Geoff nodded towards the door. "Trevor can borrow my vest," Gavin blurted out. Jeremy and Michael were already dressed and just got to load their weapons. Trevor put on Gavin's bulletproof vest and was handed a pistol by Geoff. "Don't go doing something stupid, kid," Geoff said to Trevor in a hushed voice. "Wait where's Ryan?" Michael asked, noticing the absent crew member. "Ray's place," Jack answered. "Ray?" Trevor raised an eyebrow at Jeremy. "Former crew member. Ryan's boyfriend," Jeremy explained.

The crew split up. Jeremy and Trevor in Jeremy's purple and orange Bugatti. Michael and Gavin in Michael's silver Ferrari. Geoff and Jack took Jack's bulletproof Ferrari. They all had their earpieces in, a ways to communicate. Trevor was using an extra one. "I'm sending out the waypoint for you all. Lindsay and Griffon got eyes on another crew," Jack started to explain. Geoff finished for her, "They took out one of our lower men. We don't take too kindly too that." The streets were cleared almost immediately after the crew took to them. The smoke from their exhaust pipes filling the air with odd colors.

Once Jack set of the waypoint, the crew had moved out. "So uh," Trevor began, gazing over at Jeremy. "Intimidating, huh?" Jeremy chuckled. Trevor laughed nervously, "Yeah. Never really took you for a big heist guy." Jeremy kept one hand on the wheel, but reached his right hand towards Trevor. With little hesitation, Trevor put his hand in Jeremy's. "You're going to be fine babe. It's nothing we haven't done in the past," Jeremy squeezed Trevor's hand slightly. Trevor blushed when Jeremy called him 'babe.' They definitely weren't dating, not yet at least, but Jeremy must have said it without noticing. Imagine that, Trevor thought to himself, Jeremy and I dating.

"Right, Treyco?" Jeremy had removed his hand from Trevor's and placed it back on the steering wheel. Trevor already missed how their hand fit together perfectly. "What?" Trevor looked up at Jeremy like a deer in headlights. Jeremy just chuckled and shook his head. "He's probably love-struck, Lil J," Michael's laugh boomed over the earpiece. "Am not," Trevor protested, arms crossed. "Are too," the entire crew, apart from Jeremy, shouted. Trevor sunk down in his seat and stared out the window. Jeremy stayed silent and kept his eyes on the road. He glanced at Trevor every-so-often, wondering if Trevor really had been thinking about him.

Taking down the rival crew was harder than anticipated. Jeremy and Trevor had done their job, retrieve the files on their own crew, and were rushing back to their vehicle. The shorter man was too distracted on getting out with the files that he didn't notice Trevor being greeted by a knife to his throat. "Jer-" Trevor shouted, interrupting by the knife being pressed onto his throat more. Jeremy whipped around and immediately aimed his gun at the guy's head. "One wrong move and your little boyfriend here dies," the guy said with total frustration, "Now put the gun down and kick it over to me."

Jeremy had pulled out a small, homemade sticky bomb, very discretely, and placed it on his gun as he sat it on the ground. He made eye contact with Trevor and he kicked the gun over and raised his hands in the air. Trevor knew exactly what Jeremy did and what he needed to do. The guy bent down with Trevor and picked up the gun, aiming it at Jeremy. Jeremy nodded at Trevor and he breathed in. Trevor gripped the man's wrist and pointed the gun away, kicking him in the leg. As the man toppled to the ground, the knife barely making a cut across Trevor's arm. Trevor breathed out and bolted towards Jeremy as the man started to aim the gun. Jeremy took Trevor's hand and they ran. The man started shooting and the friction had made the bomb go off. Trevor fell, his head colliding with the concrete ground.

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