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Trevor saw a guy on the twentieth floor of the building across the street. Trevor placed his finger on the trigger and didn't hesitate to pull it when he recognized the sniper. He felt better now, watching the man fly back with the bullet in his brain. Trevor handed the gun back to Gavin and rushed off to Jeremy's room. He found a duffle bag and started stuffing things into it. He made sure to change into his clothes and slip on a hoodie. He packed a handgun as well. Trevor slung the bag over his shoulder and turned around. He ran right into Jeremy, who had his arms crossed over his chest and a rifle over his shoulder. "Where are you going?" He asked. "Away," Trevor answered blatantly. "Trevor," Jeremy's voice came out harsh. Nothing like he's ever used on Trevor before. "Look, I just.. I need to go. That guy was one of Mason's. You could've been hurt and it would've been my fault," Trevor didn't look Jeremy in the eyes. "Trevor please. I didn't get hurt. Don't leave me," Jeremy's voice cracked near the end. Trevor sighed and placed a kiss on his forehead and walked out.

Trevor didn't know what he was doing as heading for the streets. He pulled his hood up and called a cab. He knew Geoff was lying about Mason being dead. If Mason was really dead, that sniper wouldn't be there. Trevor had to find Mason. The cab arrived and Trevor slipped in. "Where to kid?" The driver asked. "Chiliad," Trevor answered. He watched the buildings fly by. He couldn't ever go back to the crew. Not now. Not after Geoff would have his head on a plate for hurting Jeremy. Trevor didn't really want to leave. He wanted more than anything to stay there and be with Jeremy, but he needed to put a stop to Mason. Besides, Jeremy could live with heartbreak, but not a bullet in his heart. Trevor just hoped Jeremy could understand that soon.

Jeremy hadn't left the doorway of his room. The rifle was still slung over his shoulder and his arms still crossed. He couldn't understand why Trevor left. Yeah, Trevor said why, but Jeremy's brain couldn't mush it all together. The door creaked open and Jeremy spun around. "Jack found Mon- Hey where's Trevor?" Gavin questioned. Jeremy's heart clenched up at his name, "He uh.. He..." Gavin just nodded and gave off a sympathetic look. "Tell Jack I feel sick. I'll be on the roof" Jeremy sat the gun down and brushed passed Gavin. Jeremy immediately rushed up to the roof and slammed the door behind him. He leaned against the concrete wall surrounded the door for a while. Then he made his hand into a fist. He went from sad to angry and slammed his fist against the wall. He couldn't stop. His knuckles were bruised and bloody. He stopped when the door opened and Jack appeared. Jeremy hid his hands. "I made food," she said. "I already ate," Jeremy said back, "I'm just going to stay up here for a bit, fresh air and all." Jack smiled and shut the door behind her.

Trevor was dropped off at the bottom of Mount Chiliad. He paid the driver and waited for him to leave. Trevor looked for the familiar building next to the road before walking over to it. He knocked  on the door. "Password," a deep voice growled from the other side. "Lass mich rein, Jared," Trevor slurred in a terrible German accent. Trevor watched the door open and let himself be yanked inside. "What are you doing here?" The guy Trevor recognized as Jared spoke. "I came to see Mason," Trevor hissed. Jared eyed him, "He's not here, verräter." "Bullshit," Trevor snapped. Sure enough, Mason appeared around the corner, "What's all- Collins." Mason pulled a gun on Trevor, "What the hell are you doing here?" Trevor dropped his bag and put his hands up, "I want to make a deal." "Liar," Mason shouted and cocked his gun. "I'm serious I'll be your slave or whatever. Just leave them alone. No tricks," Trevor lowered his hands as Mason lowered his gun.

Jeremy made his way to the bathroom connected to his own room. He locked the door and patched up his hands. When he stepped out of the bathroom, he found Geoff lounging on his bed with a glass of whiskey in each hand. Geoff handed a glass to Jeremy who downed it rather quickly. "Joshua Pevensky. Army veteran. Skilled at sniping and homemade bombs. Joined up with Mason Chilbérr ten years ago," Geoff finished his statement and took a sip of his drink, "He was the other building sent out to get Trevor." Jeremy rolled his eyes, "So? He's gone now. Probably went back to suck up to Mason or some shit." "He's a ticking time bomb, Jeremy. As much as I hate to say it, he's only got so much time left without you before he gets himself killed," Geoff raised his voice slightly.

"And why the hell would I care?" Jeremy huffed and crossed his arms. Geoff sighed, "You don't get it, do you? Your boyfriend went back to Mason to keep you from dying and now he's going to die." "He's not my boyfriend anymore Geoff! He left and if he gets his ass killed then it's his fault. I refuse to help him. I thought you of all people with feel the same," Jeremy's voice was dripping with anger, a mask to hide how much he wanted to believe Geoff. "Fine," Geoff said as he stood up. "What?" Jeremy watched him. His voice almost cracked. "Just don't whine to me when you see him on the news announced dead," Geoff shrugged and walked out of Jeremy's room. Jeremy couldn't move off the bed. He wanted to hate Trevor, to block him out of every conversation, but he also wanted to hug him and tell him he cared.

Mason let Trevor get settled into his old room. Trevor just tossed his bag on the ground and looked around the lifeless room. The bed was still the same uncomfortable mattress stained with blood from when Mason would hit Trevor too hard. The closet was filled with nothing as per the norm. Trevor noticed the doors on it were missing and the trapdoor in the floor was covered up. The walls were still cracked and the paint was peeling off. Trevor walked over to the only window in the room. The glass was still broken from when Mason slammed Trevor's head into when he was reckless at eighteen years old. "The boss wants you in his  office," Jared interrupted. Trevor just nodded and followed Jared out of the beaten up room.

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