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Jeremy's eyes were wide as he came into view. He looked like he had seen a ghost. Gavin eyed Jeremy, "You know this guy, Lil J?" Jeremy nodded, "We uh- we used to work together." Trevor smirked at Geoff as he walked through the doors, clutching his right side, "Hey, Dooley." Jeremy walked over to Trevor, who was expecting a hug. Jeremy punched Trevor in the arm, "I thought you were dead you fucking asshole!" Trevor winced, "Firstly, ow dickhead! Secondly, I got taken by that group." Jeremy's angry mood quickly turned to worry and his voice went low, "That was ten years ago, Treyco." The room went dead silent. Trevor looked at his shoes.

"I tried taking them down from the inside. It made them stronger. They used me, made me do their dirty work," Trevor started to explain, "They're coming for you, all of you. I just knew you joined the Fakes, J. I couldn't let you get hurt again." The whole crew was stunned. Trevor winced as the pain in his side worsened. Jeremy took notice of this, "What happened?" "Flesh wound," Trevor replied behind a stoic look. Jack cleared her throat, "I'll take a look at it." SHe didn't give Trevor a choice before taking him to another room to patch him up and possibly get a story out of him.

Michael and Gavin busied themselves with video games. Ryan went back into his room to do whatever he does. Geoff pulled Jeremy into the hallway, "So this Trevor kid. He's not lying, is he?" Jeremy shook his head, " He would never lie to me." Geoff trusted his crew, which meant he believed Jeremy. Yet he wasn't going to let this Trevor walk in here without a background check and a little chat in his office. "I'm putting you on watch duty until we found out how to take out the crew he's talking about," Geoff ordered Jeremy, who nodded. "Now go see him. You two obviously need to catch up," Geoff patted Jeremy's good shoulder and walked down the hall to his office. Jeremy snuck into the room Jack was patching Trevor up in.

Jack was stitching up Trevor's side, being careful not to hurt him more. "Why didn't you contact me?" Jeremy blurted out. Both Trevor and Jack looked up at him. She finished the stitches before going over to Jeremy and telling him to finished the bandages. Jack left the room, closing the door behind her. Jeremy walked over to the bed and sat next to Trevor. He started to apply the bandages to the wound. "I couldn't contact you. If I did, they would trace it and would hurt you," Trevor answered. The room stayed silent until Jeremy finished. Trevor pulled his shirt down and looked at Jeremy. Jeremy kept his gaze on the floor. Emotions were destroying his train of thought.

"Look at me. Please, Jeremy," Trevor almost begged, "Talk to me buddy." Jeremy huffed and looked at Trevor, "That night, I... I never got to tell you that I-" Jeremy was interrupted by Jack opening the door, "Hey I- Am I interrupting something?" Jeremy and Trevor shook their heads. Jack perked up just a slight bit, "Oh good. I made some breakfast. Come get it while it's hot." Jack let the doorway and headed for the kitchen. "What were you going to say?" Trevor asked. Jeremy just stood up, "It wasn't important anyways. Let's go eat." Trevor stood up with Jeremy and followed him to the kitchen.

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