
1.7K 76 30

It's always sad to say goodbye to a book that you dedicated so much time to. This was honestly one of my favourite things to write. Sometimes it was hard, balancing between characters. Nonetheless i still enjoyed every moment. Of course, it took planning. This book is the first one i've ever really had to think about storylines and planning. Obviously the support from all of you made it so much easier! Very good support, as well. Even when i wasn't sure where it was going, you were all so excited for an update. Really, that's probably why i finished the book. You probably know that i took a little gap- and i was so close to just longing this book off. Each one of your comments, though, helped me to keep going, so Thank you for that.
i'm sorry it's over. but new books will come, there are always more stories to tell.

lots of love, opalum xx

hahaha i love the capital letters in this chapter xxx

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