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'You know I can drive, right, JJ?' Cal sighed from behind me.

'I know you can. I also know that 'drive' is a strong word, and that your car has had to go in for repairs three times since you got it.' I replied with a grin.

'In the two months you've had it.' Matty added in, earning a light punch on the arm from Cal.

'I would much rather be in for repairs myself than on this fucking scrap of metal.' Tom said, shooting daggers at me from across the bus. I rolled my eyes.

Tom pissed me off.

The bus was about to pull away when someone came running up the road.

'Oh, here we go.' Reece said from beside Tom, a sick smile on his face.

'Sorry! Return to the Town Centre, please.' Harry said, his voice hitched as he was out of breath.

'That's a kids ticket, mind.' Tom called. Harry turned to look at us, his face paling when he realised the only free seat on the bus was beside me. He looked so terrified. It made me feel awful. I scooted closer to the window so he could sit down, intending on ignoring him. I may have felt bad, but not bad enough to ruin my entire social life.

'Hey, Harriet.' Tom called as Harry sat next to me. 'How you doing, darling?'

Harry just stared ahead.

'Harriet...?' Reece sang, as Harry shrank further into his shell.

'Who the hell is Harriet?' Cal asked, frowning.

'Oh, well, since Harry has such a pretty, feminime little body, we figured Harriet would suit him more.' Tom simpered from across the aisle. I tensed slightly.

'That's kinda gay, man.' Cal said, the disapproving tone obvious.

'Nah, not if he's a girl.' Reece laughed. Reece was always laughing.

'I'm not a girl.' Harry said, quietly.

'Course you aren't, baby.' Reece said soothingly, his voice cloying with sarcasm.

'What, you want me to get my dick out and prove it?'

Harry's voice remained calm and low, but there was an edge to it- an edge that shut up Reece and Tom.

They got off the bus on the next stop, leaving me alone with Harry.

'Cya, Jide.'

He was about to move to the empty seats, but I stopped him.

'Look, man, I'm sorry about that.'

'Not sorry enough to do anything.' he pointed out. I nodded.

'Do you get lonely?' I asked abruptly. 'Like, without... friends.'

Harry smiled slightly, a corner of his mouth lifting.

'We all get lonely, JJ.' he looked at me intensely, as though he saw right through me.

'Regardless of how many 'friends' we appear to have.'


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