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Turns out you aren't really meant to smoke pot in college dorms.

I reckon they've told me it before, but I wasn't a regular smoker, so I guess it never sank in.

Personally, weed was nothing to get addicted to. I smoked it every now and again. It was enough.

Obviously, the time I chose to was when the prefects were doing parole around the dorms.

There was a knock on the door. I wasn't used to that. The only knocks I heard were from upside, banging on the ceiling when I played my music too loud.


So, I guess it was a mistake, taking a drag right before I opened the door. Especially when I almost choked the prefect in question.

'Josh.' he groaned, looking at red eyes and a loose posture. I knew this guy, from secondary school.

'Lux, c'mon...' I mumbled. We hadn't gotten along all too well back in the day, but I had a soft spot for him. Even if he fucked off when we came to college.

'...Okay. Josh, Fearne is down the corridor, and she's not as lighthearted as me. You have ten seconds to put the pot somewhere discreet, and then I'm gonna 'look'. If anyone asks, it's cigarettes, and I'm checking now. Okay?'

I nodded, smiling gratefully.

'Owe you, L.'

'It's Cal now.' I just nodded half-heartedly and stumbled in a slightly high daze down to the courtyard outside.

I slumped against the wall of the familiar building, my old lighter digging through the fabric of my pocket into my leg.

'Josh?' I looked up, and then back down when I saw Tobi.

'Hey.' I said casually. I pulled back slightly as he sat down next to me.

'Why are you outside? And why are your eyes red?'

'Why are you asking so many questions? Why aren't you with your little emo friend?'

'Josh, don't. You know she's gone.'

I huffed to myself, pulling the lighter out from beneath me and flicking it.

'Tobi, you don't have to talk to me. We were friends in primary school. It's diff-'

'Cut the 'I don't need friends' shit. I know you.'

I grinned briefly, and then set my face into the same pissed off expression as ever.

'Not anymore.'

'Lie.' he replied.

'I'm out here because I was caught smoking pot in my bedroom.' I said, voice deadpan and flat. Tobi gasped, and then sighed.


'Least I'm not doing pills.' He nodded in agreement.

'You're right. You have changed.' Tobi stood up, and walked away.

I don't know if he looked back at me. I was too busy flicking the lighter, dangerously close to my skin.


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